Chapter 18

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Diamonds POV

Walking out of the Mafia's personal hospital felt better than it should have. Showing Deshae DeLuca up was the most entertaining thing that had happened to me all week. Minus that kid falling off his scooter. Oh and that kid tripping over and falling flat on his face. I really should've submitted those for You've Been Framed and got a little extra cash.

Still chuckling to myself, I entered the house ,which was practically empty, and made my way to Sapph's room. Opening the door, I was mildly surprised to find T and Sapph in the middle of a heated make out session. "Wow I didn't know this house offered free porn," I raised my brow as they were quick to jump apart from each other's embrace and look anywhere in the room except from each other. "So...what's happening here?" I questioned.

"Nothing just a one time thing," Sapph answered way too quickly so I knew she was lying. I would just have to catch her out.

"So you wouldn't mind if I joined then, right T?" He nodded hesitantly and I slowly walked over to him. It was when I was leaning in that I heard a 'Stop!" I grinned in victory. My plan had worked,

"Just a fling ay?" Her eyes grew wide and she looked away in embarrassment of being caught. "Just come to my room when you two are done and have showered, which some people are incapable of, I really need to spill everything to you." And with that, I spun on my heel and strutted out of the room, closing the door behind me.

An hour and a half later, I heard Sapphs special knock on my door. I shouted for her to come in and she did so, slightly limping. "Damn girl what did he do to you?" I exclaimed while eyeing her neck which was littered with hickeys.

"You don't wanna know," she smiled and struggled over to flop down on my bed.

I smirked knowingly, "Okay if you say so. But what I wanted to tell was about Deshae..." We spoke for hours about all the cute boys we'd seen and also my feelings for Latavious. She vented about her feelings for Anthony and how she wasn't even sure if he liked her back. It wasn't until dinner, when we realised we had been talking for 7 hours straight. We actually never ran out of things to say. Going down for dinner was going to be tense , I thought, as Deshae was discharged a couple hours ago. I knew he still hated me for completely humiliating him like that, but what can I say? His arse deserved what was coming his way. It was inevitable. All I did was speed up the process.

Sitting down in my seat, I noticed that the seating plan had been changed. Deshae was now moved two chairs up closer to me so I could easily converse with him if I wanted to. I narrowed my eyes at the only person who could have done this. Sapphire quickly averted her eyes and continued acting if she had done nothing wrong. Just wait until later girl. Anthony's not going to be the only one who can break your legs.

Dinner went as normal as it could be, except from a few eye rolls and glares from none other than Mr. Dislocated Shoulder. Gosh he was such a baby.

I quickly excused myself from the table and jogged up to my room. Mere seconds after I had entered the room, someone knocked on my door. Going over to open it, I was met by the Italian Mafia Don standing in my doorway with an ice cold glare on his beautiful face. Can't lie none of his glares phase me though. Crossing my arms, I waited for him to say whatever he had to say. "Well... did you come up here just to admire me or..."

"What no- I wasn't admiring you pfft don't be stupid," he tried to play his embarrassment off but let me tell you something. He was failing terribly.

"Okay then what did you come up here for then?"

"Right, I came here to say that after I've fulfilled my end if the deal, I don't want to interact with you in any shape or form until I leave. Got it?" I kissed my teeth and went to slam my door in his face but he wasn't having any of it. He lodged his door in the gap before I could fully slam it shut. "I said got it?" He seethed. Oh hell nahh.

"First of all, am I a dog for you to be barking orders at? No I didn't think so. And don't be fucking spitting in my damn face or I will knock you out again. Got it?" I smiled mockingly at him and he stomped off in frustration. How I loved having the upper hand. Turning to jump back on my bed, I thought of what to do. Hang with Sapph? Nah she was probably banging T again. Watch a movie with mum? No she will insist on picking some dusty arse that I will end up loving and having to admit she was right. Call Lala? That was my best option for now. Grabbing my phone, I scrolled down to find his name and clicked on it. The phone rang for bare seconds and just as I was about to give up, a deep voice resonated down the line. "Latavious D'Angelo."

"Hey," I said.


"Yeah it's me,"

"So what are you doing right now?"

And that started off a long conversation that led to another sleepless night. But I would never regret a thing about it.

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