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This may be cringy at some points but it's supposed to be but like in a funny way also my friend use's he/they/it pronouns

BEEP BEEP BEEEP BEE- Finn hit it's alarm clock sitting on his nightstand groaning they sit on the edge of  its bed and stands up then walks to the bathroom where he saw a giant spider so it did the only logical thing...they set fire to the bathroom and picked his cat up and walked out of the house and watched the house burn..... just kidding it freaked out and beat the spider with an old hairbrush then used a vacuum to get rid of the body, after that they carried on with getting ready for work by taking a shower, brushing it's teeth , going into the kitchen, feeding their cat, making food for himself cause he finally learned how to cook, eating filling up their  water bottle, packing it's lunch, going back to his bedroom and getting dressed then leaving to go to his place of work. When Finn got there they walked to the room he was going to work in, on his way there he bumped into someone dropping his packet of papers. He crouched down to pick it up and so did the other person "sorry" they said and handed Finn his papers. Finn took them and looked at the person he bumped into. The person kinda looked like a hobo but they also looked like Jesus(hobo Jesus) "it's okay"  it stood up and helped the other guy up "thanks what's your name?" He asked "I'm Finn and what's yours?" They smiled "I'm Paul but friends call me Jesus" he held his hand out "well it's nice to meet Jesus" Finn shook his hand "you to Finn"  he walked off and Finn went to the voice acting room.

Midnight a Finn x Jesus story Where stories live. Discover now