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Jody: y/n y/n?

Jody snaps her finger in front of your face.

Y/n: sorry what

Jody: l was saying I was going to get a drink from the kitchen do you want one?

Y/n: yes can I get water please

Jody: sure do you want to wait or do you want to come with me

Y/n: I'll stay here if that's fine with you

Jody: that's fine I'll be back in second

Jody walks back into the house. Yours eyes turn back to the boy who you saw not long ago

Y/ns mind: he's really cute!

You turn back to normal when you see Jody coming back out

Jody: hey here's your water

Y/n: thanks

Jody: no problem what do you want to do now.

Y/n: can we go back in its absolutely freezing out here

Jody: ofc last one there is a rotten egg

Jody starts running

Y/n: Jody that's cheating

Y/n starts running after Jody, you didn't see where you were going so you accidentally bumped into someone.

Who did you bump into stay tuned to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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