Leave The Door Open ⚠️ (Bruno Mars)

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Prompt: Hornymione?

A/N: Sorry for not posting, been busy with school. Anyways, thank you for 300 reads! So that means...
⚠️No Smut.⚠️ You totally don't need holy water. May or may not be Y/N G!P.

This is my first time writing a chapter that ISN'T SMUT so don't expect too much. Enjoy.

C/N - Child's name

Your POV:

"That's the fifth dark wizard we have caught today." I groaned flopping down on my chair. "If Hermione wouldn't kill me for leaving my job, I would have asked her to live with me in a farm."

It's always been like this. Me and Hermione would drop off C/N to his/her Muggle preschool then the Nanny would pick him/her up. I would go home later than her and I would go to sleep with my work clothes because I would be too exhausted to change. If we ever have a chance to date at weekends it will always be interrupted by work. Work. Work. Work. Work was the only thing revolves around us. Pfft. My parents are too rich for me to work. If Hermione would just accept my family's money then we wouldn't need to work.

"A farm? That seems nice." Harry said as he took a sip of his third coffee of the day.

"I honestly don't know why Hermione don't want that. Is she scared to leave C/N with me? I could very much take care of C/N."

"I would do the same, really. I mean Lavender would just agree to whatever decision I make." Said Ron. (Lavender and Fred survived the war.)

"Maybe because Hermione loves her job in the Ministry and having to live in a farm would be too far."

"Uh... Harry, there's a thing called Apparition." I said.

"I think Y/N should live with Hermione and C/N in a farm." Said Ron.

"Thank you! Finally someone agrees with me."

"So I can have her office. How big is this room? I'm 100% sure this is bigger than mine— Ow! Blimey Harry. That hurt." Harry slapped his arm to cut him off. I only rolled my eyes. "Anyways, Y/N, I'm pretty sure you're birthday is just right around the corner, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, I got you a gift. Me and Lavender would be traveling somewhere south and we couldn't come for your birthday, so..."

"Really? What is it?" I asked in excitement.

"You'll get it later. It'll be the best gift. Like not even Harry can compete."

Harry scoffed. "No way. My gift is much better."

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Merlin, when will these two girls stop arguing?

"I might've gotten her the Varápidos broomstick. What did you get her?"

"Wait. The Varápidos broomstick? The one the Brazilian National Quidditch Team had used? OH MY GOD!"

"Pfft. That's nothing to my gift. You'll see Y/N. You'll thank me."

The two of them continued to fight over their gifts but later on we discussed about our spouses. Our spouses seems to control us more than we like to admit, (But, I mean who wouldn't follow Mistress Granger 😉.) well except for Harry, apparently he's the man in his and Draco's relationship.

Said baby, said baby, said baby

In the middle of our conversation my phone rang. I groaned hoping it isn't another call saying we need to catch another dark wizard, or those annoying life insurance or whatever those Muggles advertise. I looked at my phone that is placed on my desk.

Hermione Granger OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora