Kyle gets eaten by Skye

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October 4th, 2012. 3:43 PM...

Kyle was playing his Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed game and he was enjoying his time.

Kyle FKZF: This event outta be too easy.

With Skye...

Skye was outside in the backyard rolling around in a pile of leaves and and jumped out of it.

Skye: I gotta say, I think summer is better then all the seasons. But it's fall.

Skye: Mm, I'm bored.

Skye then thought about doing a prank on Kyle.

Skye: I know what I'm going to do to Kyle is gonna be gross, but I'll tell him I did it cuz I'm bored.

Skye then puts a ball that has shrinking spray on it.

Skye: Alright, now I'll call Kyle outside.

Skye goes inside the house and calls Kyle's name.

Skye: (Calling) Kyle!

Kyle pauses his game.

Kyle FKZF: Whaddya want Skye?

Skye: Come outside! I have something for you in front of the pool.

Kyle FKZF: Alright.

Skye goes outside and Kyle went downstairs and goes outside from the back door.

Kyle FKZF: What's that green ball doing there?

Skye: It's for you.

Kyle FKZF: Thanks little Cockapoo.

As Kyle picked up the green ball, it shocked him.

Kyle FKZF: AHH! Damnit!

Kyle then shrunk down to tiny size.

Kyle FKZF: WhoaWhoa what's going on?!

Skye: (Chuckle)

Kyle FKZF: You're huge in front of me! What's so funny?

Skye: I'm laughing because I'm gonna eat you.

Kyle tried to run away, but Skye engulfed half his body.

Kyle FKZF: Mrmph!!

Skye slurped Kyle inside her mouth and she had her cheeks goubled up. Kyle was sitting on the Cockapoo's tongue.

Kyle FKZF: Skye! Let me out of your mouth!

Skye then tilted her head back and Kyle slid down Skye's tongue and he grabbed onto her uvula to prevent himself from being swallowed into the Cockapoo's stomach.

Kyle FKZF: Skye! Please, don't swallow me!

Skye made a noise in her mouth and her tongue moved a little and her uvula did too. As it moved, Kyle lost his grip on Skye's uvula and got swallowed.

Skye: (Gulp)

Kyle was now inside of the Cockapoo's stomach and she started wagging her tail.

Kyle FKZF: Ahhhhh! Marshall! Amy! Blaze! Tails! Chase! Ella! Somebody! Get me out of here!

Skye's stomach growls.

Skye: Ooh!

Kyle FKZF: Skye! Why'd you eat me?!

Skye: I was bored, it's just a prank.

Kyle FKZF: It's a gross prank! Let me out!

Skye: No.

Kyle then started rapidly banging on Skye's stomach wall screaming Ella's name.

Skye's stomach growls.

Skye: Ooh!!

Skye's stomach started growling fast with Kyle trapped inside.

Skye: (Giggling)

But then, Blaze comes outside.

Blaze: Hey Skye, have you seen Kyle?

Blaze saw Skye giggling and she was laying on her back.

Skye: (Giggling)

Blaze: Skye, why are you laughing?

Blaze heard Kyle screaming from inside the Cockapoo's stomach.


Blaze: Skye! Don't eat our friend!

Blaze then got on her knees and pushes on Skye's stomach 5 times and Skye coughed 10 times and spat Kyle out of her mouth. Kyle grew back to his original size and he was unconscious.

Blaze: Kyle!

Blaze then started shaking Kyle to wake him up.

Blaze: Kyle! Ky! Wake up!

Blaze then picked up Kyle's unconscious body.

Blaze: (Groan) He is heavy!

Blaze carried Kyle inside the house and puts him down on the kitchen floor.

Blaze: Kyle, wake up!

Blaze then knew she had to do CPR on him.

Blaze: This is gonna be gross, but I have to do it. And to keep our channel growing.

Blaze then did CPR on Kyle and he coughed.

Kyle FKZF: Blaze?

Blaze: Kyle, are you okay?

Kyle FKZF: I think so. You saved me from that Cockapoo's stomach.

Kyle then gave Blaze a thank you hug.

Blaze: Thank you Ky.

Kyle let's go of the hug.

Blaze: So what are you gonna do now?

Kyle FKZF: I'm gonna go back to my game, that friggin Cockapoo ate me cuz she was bored and as a prank. Why don't you punish her?

Blaze: Sure, I'll lock her in the kennel with Oliver and Twitch.

Kyle FKZF: Okay.

Kyle goes back upstairs and went back to playing his game.

The End.

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