Spinneret: Night At MJ's

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It was nighttime in New York and Peter Parker, a "civilian" of New York City was helping his significant other with her big project in her room at Stark Academy.

Peter: Here's the screwdriver, MJ.

MJ: Thanks. You know, you didn't have to stay here.

Peter: I wanted to. That's what good boyfriends do, right?

MJ: *smiles*

The two share a kiss.

MJ: This suit is turning out great! Soon ill have my own iron man armor!

Suddenly Peter's phone rings.

Peter: *checks phone* trouble in the city!

MJ: Huh?

Peter: Im really sorry MJ but I gotta go. My Aunt May wants me to uh-

MJ: You don't need to say anything else. Go.

Peter: Are you sure you don't need any more help?

MJ: I do but we always have tomorrow right?

Peter: So you're okay?

MJ: Yes i'm okay just go already!

Peter quickly leaves the school and hides behind a bush.

Peter: I hate to lie to MJ like that but I can't let her find out that i'm Spider-man. I really need my own hero team. Im tired of leaving her all the time. This is the 5th time this week Ive had to leave her. And the things i left for weren't even that important! Im gonna start looking for potential heroes to join my new team. Then Ill be able to hang out with MJ more since ill have others to get the baddies and ill be able to rival Sam's new Avengers. Now whats this threat that I have to deal with? *checks phone* A killer robot? Pretty odd.

Peter taps his chest and his suit explodes out and wraps around his body

Peter: Yeah!

Peter Parker becomes the Amazing, Spectacular, Ultimate Spider-Man!

Spider-Man: *swings up into the skies* Its kinda weird how all of my villains just disappeared. One minute they were attacking New York and the next they weren't doing anything. Its not like they just took a break they've been gone for a while. The only bad guys i've been dealing with were Avengers villains but I cant really do that anymore. I guess all I have left to fight are robots. Pretty boring to be honest. *spots the killer robot* There!

Spider-Man dives down in front of the robot stoping it in its tracks.

Spider-Man: Don't worry citizens of New York for the almighty Spider-Man has arrived!

Kid: Spidey is here to save us!

Spider-Man: Alright Tin Can you might as-well give up now before i kick your butt into next week!

Robot: Spider-Man detected

Spider-Man: Alright Then.

Spidey Jumps up into the air!

Spider-Man: Take this!

Spidey grabs the robot by the shoulders with his webs and pulls him in for a kick!

Robot: Must destroy the Spider!

The robot starts shooting lasers at Spidey!

Spider-Man: Lasers? So unoriginal.

Spidey dodges every laser and punches the robot 50 feet in the air!

Spider-Man: *catapults himself into the air* Whosever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor!

Spidey creates a web replica of Thor's hammer and knocks the robot to the ground!

Spider-Man: *shoots a web trampoline under the robot* Back up you go!

Spider-Man grabs the robot with his webs and slams him into the ground!

Spider-Man: Piece of cake!

The crowd around him cheers.

Spider-Man: *swings away* Thats was strange but definitely not the strangest thing I've ever seen. *goes home*

At MJs dorm room...

MJ: This suit is turning out better than I expected! Just gotta fix this miscalculation here-

MJ starts to feel dizzy

MJ: What the heck?

MJ's stomach starts bubbling

MJ: I feel like im gonna- *vomits on the suit* NO!!! Not the- *vomits on the floor* I cant control myself!

MJ's legs give out and she falls to the floor.

MJ: My stomach hurts so bad!

Suddenly her skin starts to itch really badly!

MJ: Ahhh!!

MJ's eyes feel as if they were being roasted in a fire!

MJ: AHHH! *feels face* Why is my skin so- *vomits* smooth... *tries to get up* Need to call Peter-

MJ falls back down and passes out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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