Chapter 1

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I probably should have regretted my decisions when I landed that first punch against Heather Markel, but she was seriously asking for it.

It was one thing to make fun of me. I can take all of the backlash, but when you start coming after my friends... that's something I cannot tolerate. Come at me all you want, but I will fight a bitch if you hurt one of my friends. So when I got suspended from school because I had broke Heather's nose, I didn't feel sorry.

What I did feel sorry for was lashing out at my parents, knowing how strict they were and then being sent to Endbury Academy; a prestigious all-girl boarding school, and one with a uniform at that. I remember throwing a humongous tantrum, hating the fact I was being sent here. Who in their right mind would want to go to an all-girl boarding school? Especially one with a uniform?

"This will be good for you, Jenna," my mothers voice rang in my ears in her overly-sweet tone, though I could see the devil in her eyes. "You've been nothing but trouble, this school will set you straight."

I scoffed at that memory, scowling at my mothers voice in my head. The only good thing about coming here was that I was away from her. Dad wasn't any better - he didn't do anything to stop my mother from being verbally abusive. He just stood there with a frown on his face, and I never knew if he was just disappointed at me or at how my mother was acting towards me. I assume it was me he was disappointed in, but I would never know at this point. Mom always had him on a tight leash.

Dad never even said anything when they dropped me off. He just sat in the front seat, allowing mom to just kick me out of their lives. It hurt. I tried not to let it hurt me, but it hurt that he didn't even say anything while I was being kicked to the curb. Quite literally, in fact.

My suitcase trailed behind me as I walked with a stoic, older-looking lady. She had introduced herself to my parents and I as the vice-principal of this school and had offered to escort me to my room. I had wanted to throw a tantrum - but knew I had been beat. There was no way my parents would back out now.

"This is your room, Miss Daughtery," a raspy voice stated. I glanced up to the vice-principal, who was standing in front of a closed door. Room two-thirteen, it read. I wondered how many students were actually here. "You're roommate should already be inside if they aren't in the library studying," she informed me, making me groan eternally. Great, now I have to deal with a roomie who I may or may not like. This kept getting better and better. "Here is your room key. Make sure to keep watch of that, it's not easy getting a replacement." She told me sternly, handing me a silver key. "Any other questions?"

"If I don't like my roommate, can I get a refund?" I asked as sweetly as I could, batting my eyelashes at the old lady. If I was stuck here I might as well make the best of it. By either annoying everyone to death, or getting a roommate that I'll actually get along with.

"No," she stated firmly, no hesitation in her voice. I cursed in my head at my luck. "All rooms are planned ahead of time. You are a rare acceptance this late in the school year." It was a few months already in the school year. Not like it was that late, but it was late to start a brand new school - a private school, at that. I wondered how mom even found this place - if she just had it in the back of her mind ready to go. Honestly I wouldn't doubt it, I'd never had a good relationship with her in the first place and she was always looking for excuses to get rid of me. "Your classes start at six thirty am tomorrow, so we expect you to be there - new or not. Here's a map to the school, but your roommate also has permission to show you to your first class if you need help getting around." She handed me a map and I briefly looked at it.

The school looked kind of complicated on the map, but I was sure I'd figure it out. If anything my roommate can help me on the first day, like the vice-principal said she could. When I glanced up she was gone, already walking down the hallway before I could say anything else. Frowning I folded the map up - putting it in my hoodie pocket. Fingering the key, I pushed it into the key-hole and unlocked the dorm.

It was a good sized room; not too small and big enough for two people. One half was decorated in a girly way with pink frills, a princess canopy over the fluffy pink comforter set and everything was decorated around that. With a collage of photos hanging over a white desk that was littered with notebooks and a Chromebook laptop.

Someone was laying on the bed, reading a book. She was humming to herself and didn't notice me walking inside the room. I heard a little beat over in her area and figured she was listening to some tunes on high blast. I stared at her for a few more moments, wondering if I should somehow get her attention or not. Though it turned out I didn't need to do anything when she suddenly glanced my way, her eyes widening in shock that I was just standing there dumbly.

"Oh!" She squeaked, taking out her ear buds. "I'm so so sorry! I knew you were coming today, Principal Blakely told me you were, but I got so caught up in this book and my music!" She bowed her head shamefully, her strawberry blond hair flowing around her face. She lifted her face back up to beam at me proudly, placing something to mark her spot in the book she was reading. "Hi, I'm Leia Bell! I'm your roommate for the next few years!" She introduced herself, swinging her legs over her bed and letting them fall to the ground with a soft thud. "You're Jenna Daughtery, right?"

I blinked at that. Leia was enthusiastic, that was for sure, and I wasn't sure how I enjoyed that. It would have to be something to get used to - even though I never wanted this in the first place. "Uh yeah, I'm Jenna Daughtery..." I trailed off with a wince, cursing to myself at how pathetic I was being. I wasn't usually this awkward.

Leia beamed at me again, clearly excited to get a new roommate. "It's sweet to meet you! I had been by myself for so long, it'll be nice to have a roommate to talk to!" She clapped her hands together gleefully.

"How long have you been by yourself?" I asked casually, pulling my suitcase over to my side of the room. I accessed my area, placing my carry-on bag and my laptop case onto my bed. Not that I had much to even decorate my side of the room with - I had a little bit of things to use. It would be plain compared to Leia's side of the room.

"I was alone all of last year..." She sighed wistfully, "then this year no one was assigned to be my roommate. It's rare to get new girls here if they haven't been coming here for a long time," she commented with a side shrug. "So when I was informed I was getting a roommate you can imagine my excitement! Though it's weird that you were accepted this late into the school year." She added as an afterthought as I turned to face her, seeing that she was curious as to why I was here.

"My mom just sent me here," I offered as an explanation, not knowing how to answer. I didn't even know this school existed, and it seemed like a secretive school with where it was located. All the back roads we had to use just to get to this one location, I wouldn't be able to even pin-point my way back home it was so confusing.

"Oh," Leia murmured, falling silent for a few moments before perking back up. Did this girl have an off switch? "I was told to give you a walk around campus tomorrow! You can get settled in tonight! Welcome to Endbury Academy, Jenna Daughtery!" 

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