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   PS: The timelines for 911 and Station 19 will not add up exactly bare with me.      

           I was terrified to say the least. Station 19 has been my home for the past decade of my life ever since I became a firefighter at the age of 18 just after I graduated college with a degree in fire science. Prewitt Herrera had been my role model, my Captain, the first father figure I'v ever had since I started my career to the day that he died, and now I was leaving.

          Vic Hughes, Maya Bishop, Andy Herrera, Travis Montgomery, Jack Gibson, Dean Miller, Ben Warren, they've all been my family since the day I met them. Tears were shed as I said my final 'goodbyes.' At least goodbye for now because I was going to visit any they agreed to do the same.

           Now I was standing in front of Station 118 in Los Angeles, California, duffel bag swung over my shoulder ready to meet my new co-workers and Captain. I can only hope they are like a family too because not all fire stations, are as close-knit as we were.

          I'm a Lieutenant, have been since I earned myself the title four years ago. Just because I have the title though, doesn't mean they respect me. I'm a woman. A proud woman who is a huge feminist, will fight any day when someone disrespects the LGBTQ+ community both having friends who are a part of it, and a part of it myself. I'm a proud Italian woman, born in Venice Italy and only moving to the country of the United States of America when I was just shy of 11 years old so I stood out since my English was still a bit rusty (You would thing with people calling me a genius for graduating college at 18, I'd be amazing at English by now) and I had an accent but I am and will always be proud.

          I walked through the doors of the station and within 30 seconds I was surrounded by two men. One blond with a birthmark on one of his eyes, and an olive skinned man with fluffy brown hair and brown eyes.

"Good morning, can we help you with anything?" The blonde asked.

"Hi, I'm looking for Captain Robert Nash." I said, dully, my heart beating too fast to focus on sounding nice and welcoming.

"He's up on the balcony." The blonde said again, pointing up to a middle-aged man cooking. I gave a quick thanks before walking up towards the guy.

"Captain?" I asked, approaching him. He looked up at me, confused at first before seeming to recognize who I was.

"Lieutenant Ascani, welcome to Station 118. I'm glad you're here. It's a pleasure to have such a well-known Lieutenant joining our station. I've looked into your record, it's admirable to say the least." He seemed like quite the optimist at first glance. I didn't want to rain on his, or anyone else's parade with my habit of a bit of a pessimistic nature.

"It's a pleasure to be here. I've heard great things." That was no lie, Immediately I hoped to be placed at this station after looking around for a job in LA. I looked around a bit at my surroundings after shaking the Captain's hand. I noticed an Asian man and a Black woman sat at the table, sharing a joke before looking our way.

"Let me introduce you." The Captain said. By now, The two men from earlier were walking up the stairs and the two other people stood up from the table, also heading our way. Once everyone gathered around, introductions were made. "Guys this is Lieutenant Spencer Ascani, she's the new Lieutenant at station 118. Lieutenant, this is Henrietta Wilson, Chimney Han, Evan Buckly, and Eddie Diaz." I have to say the olive skinned man-Eddie, is quite a catch and not too bad to look at. Even more reason to put on sorta bitch mode.

"Spencer is fine or Spence. That's what people at my old station called me. I'm not the sort of person who likes being called Lieutenant 24/7, too formal." I chuckled, shaking each of their hands. 

Authors Note: Yeah, I know this isn't the best. I wrote a 9-1-1 fanfic on my old acc and it did pretty well I have to say but I lost interest and gave someone the rights to the story. There were quite a few reasons why I lost interest. My writing was so much a couple months back when I gave it away. I've improved since then, greatly. Fanfiction is not my strong suit however. I am someone who wants to be a published author someday and while I'm only 14, I've written a full almost 70K word book and have started another but that is something I created in a mere fragment of my imagination. This however, is someone else's idea originally, 9-1-1 and Station 19, I'm merely adding a couple characters and a twist to the story lines and combining the two shoes sorta, kinda. I also hated how I wrote the last fanfic and I think I also lost interest because I both felt forced to write, and there were no new episodes being released. Now I can't promise I'll update on a regular basis but I will try especially now since I'm full of boredom being in quarantine having all the symptoms of the Delta Variant of Covid-19. I am vaccinated, have been since it was available for kids ages 12-15 since again, I'm 14. But I'm in person for school in a district where masks are not mandatory and there is only so much I can do as one girl but this dreadful quarantine has once again sparked my interest for this fanfic. Again, I can't promise daily, bi-weekly, or even weekly updates, but I will try. Keep in mind, I'm a high school freshman with a reading obsession and is writing an actual novel, something not fan fiction. I also have pets to take care of, homework to do, and friends to chill with so don't be too hard on me. Anyways, enough ranting and if you read this far, thank you, I really appreciate it. Also, this is not edited and probably won't be because I have a lot better things to do other than entertaining a bunch of horny teens but I will try my best with grammar, punctuation, and spelling without the extra look-over. Anyway, enough with the morning shit. Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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