Chapter 14

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Queen POV

Kay: Bestie

Queen: Hey

Queen put her bags in the room

Kay: Soo Bestie how has it been

Queen: Tiering.. So why did the baby come so early

Kay: I was stressed and because I was so stressed they had to give me a c section and now the baby is a preemie and Im sad

Queen: Dont worry the baby will be fine

Kay: His name is Kentrell Jean Willson

Queen: Its a boy

Kay: Yes ma'am

Queen: I dont know the gender but Aden do

The next day

Kay and Queen talked for a while until Michael txt Kay


Him: Start getting ready and tell Queen to get ready

Her: Ok

End of Txt

Kay: Bestie we finna go somewhere so get ready

Queen: Ok

3 hours later

Kay outfit

Queen outfit

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Queen outfit

They were finally ready

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They were finally ready

Kay: Bestie you gotta put on the blindfold

Queen: Ok

She put it on and Kay walked her to the car and she drove to Queen house

This how it was decorated

This how it was decorated

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