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Name: Camila Rose Potter

Boyfriend: Remus Lupin

Family: James Potter, twin brother; Fleamont & Euphemia Potter, parents; Lily Potter, sister-in-law; Harry Potter, nephew; Jason Henry, Marcus John, Thomas Elliot Bones, triplet sons; Emilia Lily Bones, daughter; Robert Anakin Bones, son; Susan Bones, niece; Amelia Bones, sister-in-law; Jackson Bones, husband (killed in first war)

Best friends: family, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Ryan Greengrass, Sirius Black, Emily Nott, Jay Jordan, Jackson Bones, Frank Longbottom, Lyra Parkinson, William Davis

Friends: Alice Longbottom, Augusta Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, The Malfoys, The Weasleys

Enemies: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Bellatrix Lastrange, Death Eater

Hair color: Jet Black

Eye color:  Hazel

Looks: identical to James but with feminine features, short

Personality: easy-going, kind, loving, calming, protective, courageous, fair, friendly, gentle, cunning, compassionate, loyal, sociable, trustworthy, polite, responsable, honest, helpful, intelligent

Hobbies: singing, dancing, archery

Languages: Russian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, French, Greek, Latin

Patronus: Siberian Tiger

Animals: Siberian Tiger

Boggart: Confined spaces

Nicknames: Siberian, Cam (the Marauders); Cami (Remus); Mila, Uma (The VKs); Rosie, Auntie Rosie (Lily, Harry, Susan, Daphne, Astoria, Lee, Neville, Tracie)

Tattoos: Stag Antlers (right forearm); full moon (right forearm); dog paw print (right forearm); Siberian Tiger (left thigh)

Tattoos: Stag Antlers (right forearm); full moon (right forearm); dog paw print (right forearm); Siberian Tiger (left thigh)

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(That's the tattoo on the thigh. I didn't know how to explain it)

Bio: Camila and James are twins. She was born 10 minutes after James. They are the completely polar opposites in personalities but they complement each other. Camila is loved by mostly everyone. Camila is a Chaser and a Seeker. Robert is 17 years old and a Slytherin. The triplets are 16 and Emilia is 15. Emilia is a Hufflepuff. Jason is a Gryffindor. Marcus and Thomas are Ravenclaws. When James and Lily were killed, Harry went to live with Camila and her kids. Growing up they were extremely close. More like siblings. Same with Susan and the VKs' kids. When Harry and her kids were 10, Camila was kidnapped and taken to an island near China. In a way, she became like Oliver Queen in a way. Even though Camila was on the island, she has kept an eye in Harry and her kids. She was turned into a were tiger on the island. Even though tigers are solidary animales, Camila is an alpha. The VKs stand for Versatile Kids. The groups consisted of Camila, Severus, Regulus, Ryan, Emily, Lyra and John. A lot of people call them the VKs for short to make it easier. Those who hate them call them Villain Kids. She has Siberian tigers as companions names Shadow, Midnight, Stormy and Ivy. Shadow and Midnight are males and the other two are females. Camila and Remus has a thing for each other when they were in Hogwarts but they never acted on their feelings. Since they didn't act on them, she married Jackson Bones. Kreacher is faithful towards Camila and will gladly help her since she was great friends with Regulus. Dobby is like that with her too because of Harry. She was still able to keep her animagus form.

The story will contain songs from different places. It's not going to be many but there will be some of them there.

Obviously it'll probably changed from this introduction in some way along the way.

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