The Bite

106 11 4

December 10th, 1987

"I'm nothing like them..."
Foxy thought. He was talking to a sweet little girl, but he couldn't concentrate. His vision kept going blank every few seconds.
He heard the little girl laughing
The little girl was poking him. She called her mom.
A security guard tried to pull the little girl away...
Foxy's vision went completly blank. He couldn't feel anything. He couldn't move. All he could do was hear.
He heard screaming. He heard running. His sense of touch came back. His mouth was attached to something. His eyes snapped open. Foxy's mouth was closed around the little girl's head.

Foxy's screamed inside. He tried to move. He tried to remove his mouth from her head. He still couldn't move. Some policemen barged in through the doors. They had crowbars in their hands. The policemen pryed Foxy off the girl, but ripped off her frontal lobe in the process. The girl was still alive, but was rushed to the hospital.

The Pizzeria's mechanics rushed Foxy to his Cove. Foxy's mechanical body had been damaged badly in the process of getting him off the little girl. He had a hole in his chest, and tears through the rest of his body. He was put inside his cove, never to be seen again. Also, he had been switched to Night-Roam Only, so that he couldn't roam during the day.
An "Sorry, Out Of Order!" sign had been put outside of his cove.
He was never to be seen again.
The Pizzeria would have no Foxy.
Foxy would have to stay in his Cove, forever.
No more Foxy the Pirate Fox.

Chica peeked through the curtains
"Foxy? Are you alright?"
"Aye lass. I'm jolly..."
"Why did you do that Foxy?"
"I-I don't know. I wasn't in control Chica. Me mind just went blank."
Chica sighed.
"They're not gonna let you out anymore Foxy..."
"Aye, I know lass... Please leave me alone now..."
"Bye Foxy..."
"Aye. Goodbye lass."

A/N: Hey there guys! I hope you enjoyed my first story! It's not as good as the other FNaF stories I've read, but, I tried!
I'm Nahyaan btw!
You can call me Nyan!
Or Nyan Cat!
Or Narwhal!
Or whatever!
Anyway, I'll be back with more 5NaF soon! :P TaTa!
P.S: Give me some prompts about what type of FNaF FanFics to write!
P.P.S: Byeeeeee
P.P.P.S: Follow me main lad(s)/lass(es)
P.P.P.P.S: *animatronic screech*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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