Rise of the Rookies!

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This story dates back one year guys...I wrote it in 2020 while we were still in lockdown (well I had to get creative)

So yeah, it's just a 1300 worded short story.

It might not be sooo good... but I wanted to share this with ya'll


"So, we are back from the lockdown, citizens are seen on the streets for the first time in seven months. Hospitals are now free of the infected patients. 

The old attractions of the city are now gushing with spectators all over again!

According to our reports, approximately, half of the world's population has lost against the deadly disease.

We will be coming back to you soon after a short break, I am Kate Lauren from Fast News, wishing you a safe living"

"You know Dad, you should keep the volume a bit down...I was sleeping!", Cassie complained

"Sorry Dear! It seems a bit loud outside, you know the lockdown is over so..."

"It's over!", Cassie interrupted

"Yes...that's what the news is about", her Dad said

"Oh umm...uh...Dad can I go out with my friends now? It's been 5, no 7 months since we met? And it's Derek's birthday today so you know...", Cassie said while blushing and fidgeting with her shirt.

After a while, Cassie hurried up to the front door,

"Bye mom! Bye dad! I'll be back from Derek's house in a while...", She yelled, "There's a party and all the friends have arrived!", She then whispered.

"You know Jake, there wasn't even a single crime report filed during these days except the ones who broke the lockdown. My brother told me he lost 3 pounds which he hasn't since years! While on the other side there's you! You gained 5 pounds by just sitting on the couch", Cassie's mom Gloria was shouting.

"Mom! Stop yelling I'm in a meeting discussing something more important than Dad gaining 5 pounds!", Jacob who was the second child, yelled.

"Ok guys, so this is our...I don't know maybe our 100th online meeting and I hear the lockdown is over and now all the criminals are gonna get unleashed which will result to a spike in crime rates, so what do you have for that Jacob?", Sean who was the team leader informed Jacob.

Jacob, Sean, Sam, Kate (Lauren) and Mary - these 5 teenagers were doing something that not even the adults could.

They were called 'The Five' in the underworld, there work was to handle the most serious crisis with such ease that no one would know anything. During the lockdown there were a lot of robberies, murders and whatnot but no one ever got to know that these crimes did actually take place because they were handled the moment there was any distress signal in the air, for them justice was the bucket list, no one... mind you, no one could escape from these youths once they were caught on radar. There was a hidden fear in the hearts of the bad guys and it wasn't for the cops, it was for 'The Five' (the name too, wasn't decided by them but it was given to them by the bad guys)

"Ok, during the lockdown we have handled around 5713 cases and I think if we keep up this pace we might reach 20,000 now, but still the criminals will be thinking before doing anything bad and all of this is possible just because of our unmatchable teamwork, umm...I would like to raise a toast", Jacob smiled emotionally and lifted the cup of coffee which he hadn't drunk all night.

"To Kate! It's because of her we are safe from the eyes of the media and all the citizens are being updated about the city!", Jacob said.

"To Kate", everyone told in unison.

"To Sam and Mary, who have been living as a couple of the underworld retrieving secret information for us! It's because of them we can reach the crime scene before it even becomes one! The most subtle couple ever!"

"To Sam and Mary!", everyone said loudly

"And the last, To Sean and Me, it's because of us the victims get delivered hot justice!", Jacob's smile became wider

"To all of us!", everyone proudly shouted after which their audios were filled with a voice which could deafen all the ears, the voice of everyone's mother yelling at them to keep quiet.

"There's a good news which I forgot to tell you all, It was between me and Kate, we decided to tell you earlier but I think it slipped from my mind..." Sean started scratching the back of his head

"What's the news Sean, stop stalling", Mary impatiently said.

"Yeah so, remember the fund we raised for buying a lot of cars and suits and tools?", Sean gulped

"What about that?", Jacob asked

"It wasn't actually for that purpose...I and Kate prepared our own satellite which is by programmed by us, it keeps an eye on the whole world and enables us to teleport to the place where it finds something fishy, it teleports us through the watches I gave you all as a present in school", Sean nervously informed.

"Oh I thought I had super-fast running powers", Sam whispered, "You don't happen to have spare ones, do you?", he nervously chuckled

"I'll make you one...so, back on the point - we have some information that the satellite is damaged by something in the space, and we found out that it isn't some asteroid...it's something way larger! And shinier!", Kate reported

"Well...that's good news alright!", Jacob rolled his eyes 

"No, the good news is that only the side which gave us signals is damaged not the teleporting one...", Sean replied 

"Yes...we can still manually teleport anywhere we wanna", Kate assured

"Whoa! So some space problem huh? That sounds fun!", Mary enthusiastically said

"It does sound fun, but it isn't. This space problem is a world threat! Such problems can't be kept a secret...however hard we try - we'll have to reveal ourselves!", Kate sat down with her head drowning in worry.

"Hey, come on don't worry...I'm sure we can handle being famous! Anyways...what do ya'll say, let's meet at my house. 2 o'clock. Better make it fast...it's about to get serious!", Sean ordered.

After a few more important talks, everyone left the call. 

Jacob switched on a bad-ass song on his phone and started to get ready for Sean's place. He went downstairs with his headphones on, walking with style towards his motorcycle...while his parents looked at him with a confused look.

"Ok, the citizens from North Russia informed about sightings of a meteor shower after which we blocked their distress signal only till us. Kate and I visited that site and man that wasn't a meteor shower! I got to tell you that the things which just came, I don't think we're ready for them", Sean informed everyone.

"But there's a possibility that these are extra-terrestrial species...so I upgraded our suits and weapons. There's a possibility they can be good or maybe the opposite!", Kate added.

"I know it's a bit more than our paygrade but I guess we can do it still", Sean said in a nervous voice.

"Oh come on! We can do this...", Sam told in a high voice.

"It's like I always wanted to say this!", Jacob whispered and then put his hands on his helmet and pulled it down,

"Ok guys! Let's suit up!", He said with full energy which followed by everyone pulling down their helmets and zipping up their suits.

"It's go time!"  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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