Camp cretaceous

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Everything was dark with only one red blinking light making loud beeping noise. Then a red line went sliding across the black point of view.
It had found two dots on the north,east side of the island.

There was radio static

Man on radio: Jurassic one, Jurassic one, come in. This is Isla Nublar base, over.

Woman on radio: go, Jurassic one.

Man: emergency. Hostiles in pursuit. Two friendliest in need of immediate extraction.

On a screen in full red two dark creatures ran across the screen. Then there were the sounds of velociraptors screeching

Woman: roger that, base! On our way.

Scene change.

??? POV

???: -in thoughts- There was jungle with rustling behind me and someone panting. A man showed up panting

Man: we can't stop here. Follow me!

We started to run through the jungle. Knocking leaves out of our way we continued to run sliding under a tipped over tree

Man: wait, Wait. Wait, Wait,Wait.

We had stopped behind rock

Man: stop, stop, stop, stop.

I started to look around and didn't see any thing.

Narrator POV

The man with the cowboy hat grunts

Man: I think we lost em. We gotta get to the chopper.

There was a loud thud behind him and they could hear growling. A velociraptor screeches at them then charges towards them. They start to run again.

The velociraptor started to call for its pack. They all started to run at them

Man: come on!

The dived in to some tall grass. The boy fell on to some raptor bones.

Boy: raptor bones?

The man was still running and jump. The boy started to run and jumped and landed in a river

Boy: whoa!

Man: hurry! We're almost to the extraction point!

Boy: no! We can use the river to mask our scent and-

The boy screamed as the raptor screeched and jumped up and ate the man the man screamed as the boy whimpered in fear. There was a loud rumble behind him. And a shadow was covering him.

He turned around as the creature growled at him. He saw what it was and knew there was no escape for a t.Rex.

Boy: aw, crud!

The t.Rex roared at him then ate him. Then there were two words flashing red saying game over.

There was a boy with a vr head set

Boy: dang it!

Older boy: roar

The boy yelps

The older boy starts to laugh

Boy: not cool, Brand.

Brand: yeah, like you know what cool is.

There was keyboard clicking that soon turned into shunting

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