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A velociraptor screeches at Deku.  uraraka whimpers in fear thinking of what's in front of her.

Deku: it's okey. It's okay. We're all okay.

Deku then whimpers in fear

Deku: uraraka, those bones check for a raptor skull.

Uraraka: ok. Got it.

Deku: hand it to me.

Uraraka gives Deku the raptor skull.

Uraraka: how do you know this will work.

Deku: I played a video game with this thing in it.

Uraraka: So your risking not only your's but my life of a video game.

Deku: Yes.

Deku blows in to it but it didn't work it just made them more angry.

Both of them: oh crap

Uraraka: let us out! Help us! Hey!

The velociraptor walks closer and closer to them screeching. All the lights in the pen turned on.

Owen: Blue, Delta, Charlie, Echo back away now. Mic get the kids now.

Mic: on it.

Owen: throw in as much meat as you can!

Aizawa: hey, come and get it! Get out of there!

The velociraptor with blue stripes changes at the two of them.

Mic grabs them and pulls them away from the gate. All three of them start panting.

A bunch of Jeep's and trucks start driving up to the pen.

Man 1: secure the paddock!

Man 2: move!

Man 3: this way.

Deku: mic, that was... thank you so much.

Mic: oh, that's standard procedure, Deku. I do that kind of stuff all the time. Give me a second.

Mic starts to vomit.

Mic: that's better.

Aizawa get there.

Aizawa: are you guys hurt? Is everyone all right?

Shoto was trying to walk away but aizawa stopped him.

Aizawa: whoa, whoa, whoa! Where do you think you're going? You may only get a warning for sneaking out but your in big trouble just like, Deku and uraraka.

Uraraka: what I get in trouble for going to get my phone that he clearly dropped.

Deku: And I get in trouble for trying to save uraraka.

Aizawa: save it! We'll dicide what to do with you two later. If you even get to remain here after a stunt like this.

Aizawa looked them like he was about to kick them of the island personally.

they just looked at each other in fear.

Deku looked inside the cage at the velociraptor that almost killed him and uraraka just before the gate closed on the outer ring of the cage.

Uraraka: hey let's go deal with these two counsellors.

Deku: yeah.

Back at camp.

Deku and uraraka were just sitting on the couch that was in the camp.

Uraraka: hey Deku I just want to say I'm sorry I got you in this mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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