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She's being haunted.

That's what it feels like. From the inside.

She can see the mortified expressions on innocent people's faces. She never thought she'd turn out like this. Her instincts haven't been helping in the slightest. They tear at her resolve and apparently make her even more dangerous. 

She just wants it to end. She wants to go home.

A memory drifts into her mind. A simple one. She hadn't thought about it in so long actually. 

And she never wanted to see it again actually.

"If you ever try to sneak out of the Fright Zone again, I will do more than this. Do you hear me cadet?!" Silver nodded her fur fried and frizzed to her tail. Shadow Weaver grabbed Silver's chin and made the magicat face her. " And stay away from Catra and Adora...or you'll live to regret it." She dropped her chin. " Do you understand Cadet?" Silver's mouth attempted to move, she furrowed her eyes shut and let out a breath. " But...I like them..." She spoke softly. Shadow Weaver's shadowy tendrils yanked her off the ground by her neck and Silver clawed at it in attempt to breathe. "Did you just back-answer me, Cadet?" Silver croaked out a 'No' and Shadow Weaver scoffed, " Lying on top of it as well?" Silver Shook her head frantically and struggled to breathe. 

This was actually a day after, when Shadow Weaver was allowed to give her actual punishment. A more brutal one honestly.

Silver could feel her mind trying not to scream. Her heart would be crying right now if it was possible.

She just wants her life back.

She wishes she could control it. 

She desperately does.

While Silver tries to latch onto her resolve, she saw herself?

They laughed at her almost mockingly. Green eyes piercing the darkness and crawling up to her. Silver backs away, tears streaming down her face.

This has been happening since the chip got damaged. Sometimes the magicat would wonder if it was truly her mind at all. 

It's been so much nights.

She can barely sleep and can't bear the thought of letting her instincts take over, in order to hunt something to eat. She's.....scared...of--of herself.

Silver backed away and curled up in a corner.

She's awake actually. The rain had started pouring too. Silver doesn't want to sleep, she doesn't want to see her memories flash before her eyes, the horrified looks of her family and friends, of innocent people...she just can't.

Yet, the very thing that haunts her nightmares seems to be right in front of her. She's accepted the fact that she's starting to hallucinate. But she's still afraid of it.

"Look at you. Tired, scared, hungry, just pathetic." An emotionless voice spat out. 
They walked near her, bending to flick her forehead with a claw. Silver felt something, despite it being in her mind.

"Let me take control. It'll be so much easier for the both of us--"
"No!! I can't. I've risked too much letting you do everything." Silver cried, remembering how she chased her daughter through Bright Moon's halls.

They chuckled, "Don't worry, in a bit you won't have to risk anything. You'd have nothing but everything at the same time. It'll be paradise once you rule Etheria."

"I don't understand why you want to rule Etheria. What'll you do after you gain the upper hand to begin with? Have you thought about what you'll do after?"

"That's a problem for future Silver." They waved her off and tried to catch blue eyes with green.

"Look at me." They commanded and Silver growled.

"Don't play flippant with your superior species, wimp." They spat out with a venom and Silver's already drooped ears pinned back painfully. She turned to meet green eyes and felt a chill go down her spine.

"I don't want to rule Etheria. I basically already do, being Adora's wife and all. I have everything I actually want. I don't need anything more."

"You're wrong. You need so much more. More than what they can't give you." Silver's hand started raising, green eyes glaring threateningly at her as her claws unsheathed.

Silver yelped in pain as she apparently slapped herself, claw marks stinging on her cheek. 

They chuckled, "That was funny, not gonna lie." Silver felt tears trailing down her face. She can't take this self-abuse anymore.

"But it's equally boring." The hallucination simply swirled into a vortex into Silver's body itself.
Her eyes scrunched together and turned green.
"Let's take this up a notch. I've got followers to address." Silver got up, a straight face and dusting their clothes. 

"This isn't over yet."

This would be weird to outside eyes, she basically talking to herself right now.

"Commander, what's our next move? The others are getting restless." OrangeHide saluted.
Silver growled and his ears drooped, tail flicking in embarrassment.

"Wait like everyone else, fur-brain!" Silver spat, her chip sparking, causing her to lean against the wall hissing.

"Get back out there! We need some magicats for the claim of the Scorpion Kingdom. Leave most of our troops here. We'll work on getting rid of She-ra."

Silver growled pushing past the feline.

"This time it better work." She growled deeply, walking away, fur bristling with vengeance.

"It's Definitely Worth It" (Catradora x Silver{OC} Pt 2)Where stories live. Discover now