Part 1

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Spoilers for Part 14!

Meet the parents

Izuku nervously sat at the booth in Neco Lodge cafè waiting for his boyfriend and his parents to arrive. He stroked one of the cats - Eclipes, a black cat with white patches on her eyes - and scrolled through his messages. Recently he had been added to a chat of not judt the UA staff but A BUNCH OF PRO HEROES! It was amazing and reading through what they said to him made him smile.

"Hey I thought I was the only one who could make you smile at your phone?" A teasing voice came from beside him and his head shot up to be met with his boyfriend's calm lilac eyes.

"TOSHI!" He grinned before quickly adding "You and cat videos. You shoild know that!" He stuck his tounge out acusingly and the purple-haired boy just sighed before sitting next to him. Eclipes went and sat of hitoshi. "Frigging traitor," he mumbled and toshi laughed. Behind him sombody cleared their throat and despite himself he flinched slightly. Trauma has that affect on people.
"Mind introducing us?" He looked towards the sorce of the gruff voice to see none other than Eraserhead. His eyes widened in realization and his boyfriend just chuckled.

"Dad, Pa, this is Midoriya Izuku my boyfriend, Zu these are my dads." Izuku grinned and got up shaking their hands.
"It's an honer to meet you both! Hitoshi brags about you constantly." He smirked at the slight blush on Toshi's face.

"No, no! The honer is all ours, the listener doesn't stop talking about you!" It was Izuku's turn to blush now and he steped back a little before a wave of dizziness hit him, when was the last time he ate? Or slept? HOLY SHIT HE WAS TALKING TO ERASERHEAD AND PRESENT MIC! He wobbled on his feet and quickly sat down sending a reasuring smile to the worried heroes.
"I'm fine it judt hit me that i'm talking to my favourite heroes." Yamada smiled and Aizawa raised a brow. Izuku didn't think anyone noticed him pulling down the sleave of his green sweater.
"Aizawa Shouta, it's good to meet you." His tone was stern but Izuku could hear the slight fondness? No that can't be right.
"Yamada Hizashi!" Yamada was loud but Izuku was used to that.
"How have your days been?" He asked politely "and would you like something to eat or drink?" He subconsciously started picking at his nails but eclipes and her daughter Sunny cam and sat on his lap so he petted them insted. Hitoshi's hand went to pet sunny while they got to know eachother. Aizawa ordered a black coffee and a cheesecake, Yamada ordered a white chocolate moca and a cookie, hitoshi got the same as this dad and Izuku got a glass of water much to the other's worry.

When the food arrived Izuku had to try not to be sick. Sure he's been around food before but thid was a public place and he was with important guests so even just the thought made him gag.

"I'll be right back." He left the table to find the restroom.

"Is he okay?" Aizawa's tone was seemingly bland but you could hear the slight worry if you looked hard enough. Hitoshi sighed before answering catching his pa's previously devided attention.

"Izuku has a complicated relationship with food. He'll be fine." Aizawa nodded but mic tried finding any hint of uncertainty in his son's voice only to come out empty handed. Not too long later Izuku came back looking happy as before.

"Sorry about that! Are you finished? We can go out to the park there's a nice walk around it!" Hitoshi only nodded and Aizawa followed suit.

"Sounds great listener and yeah we're done!" His smile rivaled izuku's and the two insomniacs wondered what they did to deserve such amazing partners.
The waitress came with the bill and Izuku was first to say he'd pay  so after much protest from the older men and a slight disapproving look from his boyfriend Izuku paid. Unknown to the other 3 he also slipped a tip in. He knew it was frowned upon bur he also knew how even 500 yen (aprox 4.50$) could help.

They walked to the park passing the playpark that him and kacchan used to play in, and the foster home he went to for a few weeks while his mother was recovering from kai's death. Despite all that he kept his cheery attitude throughout it all; his smile never wavering.

"So you got married in Tokyo? That's so cool! I've never been out of Mustafa before! Unless you count the one time me and my mom got lost on the busses." Izuku laughed. After another hour of talking they went their separate ways. The greenette texted his mom to say he's be out a little later and went to his roof and sat in the blankets petting his cat and texting the heroes. Midnight wouldn't tell right? Hmm. He texted Kayama-san and waited for her reply, but fell asleep before it came.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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