Chapter 23

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"Ah, geez, well for not knowing how to drive I think I did fairly well~" Lloyd said, scratching the back of his head, sitting in the passenger seat.

"You almost ran into how many things and over how many people?" Mae asked. "It was the right decision to have me take over."

"Like you did any better!" The white haired male said with an annoyed look in his green eyes.

"I did do better." The dark haired girl retorted with a blank stare. She then sighed. "I'm just glad we picked up a different car along the way in case the police had a tracker on the one we stole at first..."

"Yeah..." But the police car situation wasn't the thing he was worried about, he was looking at the long raven haired female. "Hey... Mae, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired, why?" The blue eyed girl asked.

"Because you're treating the past twenty four hours as if they're normal. I'm very worried." The green eyed male said.

"...Are you saying that because of my family... and how they're close to death...?" when he was about to respond the female had cut him off "Or are you saying that because I found out that you pretty much used me and were about to kill me?"

Er- the male thought, feeling an arrow shoot through his head, pretty much telling him that he was trash. "E-Either or..." he said. "Listen I'm really sorry about that, and how I got you into this mess. Ever since you met me your life has gone downhill! I know I'm a mess, you were right-!"

"H-Hey! Hey! Calm down!" The girl said, waving her hands in an apologetic motion. "The second one was just a joke...! I'm not angry about that anymore...! And my life has not gone downhill." The blue eyed female's pale hand flicked him on the forehead, the white haired male blinked multiple times when she did that. "I liked meeting you. I'm sorry that I called you a mess. Listen, I'm happy I met you, I told you this already..."

"Damn it! Mae! You are way too forgiving! What about your family?! If you wouldn't have met me then they would probably at least be closer to life than death!" Lloyd yelled, rubbing his forehead.

"It's okay...! I saw multiple ambulances at my house... so I assume they'll be fine..." Mae smiled.

"You sure?" The male asked.

"I'm sure." The female responded with a nod.

"You want to get out?" Lloyd asked.

"Not just yet..." Mae said, which caused him to raise an eyebrow, confused. "...When you said 'You're not going to become a criminal.' What was that about?" The young woman asked.

The white haired male froze, not wanting to say anything, and it took the raven haired girl a moment before she felt like she knew the answer. "Lloyd...? Please don't tell me..."

"I really don't want to say it, but yeah... I've been thinking about that joke you've said this entire time we've met." The male said. "And the fact that you could shoot a gun just made me even more anxious... I'm sorry."

"Is that why you yelled when I was playing the one festival game...?" The dark haired female asked, and the male nodded. "Lloyd, if I made you that anxious, why did you never say anything?"

"I didn't want to stress you out." He explained. "I overthink a lot... and I didn't want you to turn into me, and you also had classes and housework and that was enough on your mind-!"

"Lloyd!" Mae cut him off. I can't believe I worried him that much... "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to bother you at all... and... you're an idiot to think there's no space in my mind for you."

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