26. Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving had always been a traditional Flynn Evans affair, save for a couple of dinners that either Noah or I had missed through college. In the years that we were broken up, it had shifted from being a fun family dinner to something I completely dreaded. Having to see Noah had been painful, and though he never brought a date home from Boston, I hadn't allowed myself to be fooled by the notion that he wasn't seeing someone. Lee had been adamant about not being a middle man but had briefly given me the heads up that he had been seeing someone at Harvard.

I sighed heavily, with a twinge of sadness, as I remembered the last Thanksgiving that I'd seen him. Mathew and June, and Dad, and Lisa had stepped to the patio to enjoy their drinks while us kids cleared the table. Lee and Brad had somehow managed to escape to the game room to fire up the Xbox which left Noah and me alone in the kitchen to do the dishes. The tension in the air was almost tangible between us, and I faltered between wanting to throw up the biggest strongest wall between us and wanting to just embrace him and tell him how badly I missed him. Instead, I quietly rinsed dishes and handed them to him to load into the dishwasher. Once, when handing him a plate, our fingers brushed, and I recoiled so fast that we dropped the plate and it shattered on the ground. We had both bent down so quickly to begin picking up the pieces that we knocked heads hard.

"Shit, Elle," he muttered. I fought back the tears that stung behind my eyes, and as if sensing that I was about to break, he added, "are you okay?" He reached a hand out halfway as if he was thinking of touching my forehead, but thought better of it and returned his hand to his side.

"I'm fine," I stated plainly, "I'd ask if you were okay, but I know your head is hard enough to take it."

He smirked slightly and turned to get the dustpan and broom. And those were the last words we had spoken to one another until the night of the school carnival.

I snapped back to reality as Noah entered the kitchen pulling his flannel shirt up over his t-shirt, leaving it unbuttoned so the words on his shirt were visible. I squealed and showed him an overly excited smile. He hated doing things like this, but I could tell he was trying to let me and Lee have our moment. Giving me a half-smile, he walked over closer and gave me a peck on the lips.

"How long do you think it will take Mom to notice these?" he asked.

"Well if you keep your shirt closed a little like you've been instructed, then when we stand to say what we are thankful for, she will notice! How many tissues are you betting on?"
"Oh, a whole handful at least. Do you think your dad's gonna be pissed that I knocked up his little girl?" he asked, nervously. I couldn't stifle my laughter. Noah was a good four inches taller than my dad but still cowered at the idea of being on his bad side.

"He is going to be shocked, yes, but I think he'll warm up pretty quickly at the idea of being a grandpa."

We stood talking in the kitchen for a few moments longer before I glanced at the clock.

"Time to go!" I exclaimed and practically ran to the front door.

Once at the Flynn residence, Noah and Lee, under the careful supervision of Rachel and I, kept their flannels buttoned closed until it was time. Rachel and I had both opted to wear different cardigans to hide our own shirts. Making it through this meal was equivalent to waiting to open gifts on Christmas morning, and the anticipation was almost too much. Noah had, on more than one occasion, reached a hand down to steady my bouncing leg. He'd smile at me and give me a quick wink as we continued to eat. Finally, the moment we had been preparing for had arrived. June clinked her glass and stood to start her usual spiel.

"Another year, and another dinner between our families. This one is not quite like the ones of the past, though. Rachel, Lee, joining us as a married couple. Noah, Elle, engaged. Brad wrapping up his senior year..." she sniffled, "we have all come such a long way since our first family Thanksgiving, and I am so proud of each of you. I can't wait to hear all the ways we are all thankful this year, but I'll start us off. I'm thankful for a new daughter," she said, pointing her glass towards Rachel, "I'm thankful for a husband that loved me through wedding season," she said as Matthew elbowed her in the hip, "And Noah, I'm thankful that you're home and that you pursued what you loved and are making Elle's daughter status official." She dabbed her eyes with her napkin as she sat back down and motioned for Matthew to stand up.

"Tough act to follow," he joked, "Well, I'll pretty much say the same, I'll cry a little less, but kids, I'm just so thankful to have witnessed you all grow up and into your own persons. Lee, I'm thankful for your wit that keeps me guessing. Noah, I'm thankful that you've found success in your career by putting that stubbornness and tenacity to good use. And ladies, I'm thankful that you two," he said pointing at us, then at the boys, "keep these two in line...for the most part." The table shared laughs with Matthew's lighthearted sentiments. Lee was next. He stood up and moved the tails of his shirt aside and put his hands in his pockets to keep the flannel out of the way, and began.

"I'm thankful for, obviously Rachel and..."
He was cut off by June gasping audibly. She stood, wide-eyed, and pointed to Lee's shirt which read: "Does this shirt make me look like an uncle?" June was beside herself and motioned for Rachel to show her shirt as well, which matched Lees and read: "Does this shirt make me look like an aunt?" By this time, Matthew, my dad, and Lisa had connected the dots and were all looking at Noah and I expectantly. June's shock subsided long enough for her to run over and embrace us both in a huge hug, with tears flowing down her face.

"Are you serious?" she repeated on a loop and hugged us over and over.

"Alright, Ma, you're going to suffocate us!" Noah said, prying her arms off of us. She waved her hands to dry the tears in her eyes and returned to her seat. My dad was right behind her waiting patiently for his turn.

"Ellie-bear," is all he could manage through the lump in his throat.

"You're going to have to come up with a good Grandpa name." I choked out through my own tears. Matthew had given Noah a congratulatory slap across the back, clearly trying to stifle his own emotions.

"We're due early June," Noah informed everyone, and the sheer love and emotion of the group was almost palpable. Lee finished listing what he was thankful for, sheepishly saying that he was thankful for the little things in life.

The rest of the table had gone by the time it was our turn, and since I sat to Noah's right, it was my turn to stand. I fanned myself and made a comment about the setting sun being warm, and took off my cardigan and set it on the chair behind me. I didn't even have a chance to begin before June screamed. She had obviously taken note of my shirt that read: "Does this shirt make me look like an Aunt?"

"NO!!" She screamed and clasped her hands to her mouth looking at Rachel and Lee. Lee was beaming and June lost it and ran to the two of them in repeat fashion of minutes before. Noah reached out to grab my hand and I sat back down to take in the moment. A smile was plastered on my face, and I was convinced that I couldn't be happier. Looking around, basking in all of the good and love that surrounded me, I just knew that this is what I had been waiting for. All of those torturous Thanksgivings through college, all of the trials and heartaches of the last six years, all lead to this. June had calmed herself again, barely, and asked Rachel when she was due.

"Early June!" she chimed.

June lost it again in tears of joy, and we all laughed. This was a Thanksgiving that none of us would soon forget. 

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