Chapter 1

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Saige's POV:

It's now officially been 2 years, 1 day, 3 hours and 47 seconds since Nana passed away. Well, 48 seconds now. 49 seconds. 50.

The numbers keep on going up and with each passing second the pain I feel only grows. I know I should be past all of the grief by now and move on but I just can't. I don't think I ever will because it doesn't seem possible to ever stop. I guess in a way I have gotten past the stage of locking myself in my bedroom, with my daisy-covered curtains drawn and my face soaking in tears. It wasn't healthy, what I was doing to myself, and I know that now. But I never got over the fact that she's truly gone. I don't mourn her death so much as I mourn our memories together. I know her time had come and nothing we did could stop her from leaving but it still hurts so much. At the same time, I'm strangely relieved that she got out of here. That she was finally able to escape this wretched planet we call home and find peace in a better place.

'Peach, you know I won't ever stop being by your side right? My body's gotten old now and it's tired of fighting the inevitable so I have to go soon, but my soul will never leave your side. You got that? Like your old Gramps, I'll become one of those radiant stars in the sky, watching over you as you fight whatever life throws at you next. I'll be reunited with my love and together, we'll watch you continue to grow as the beautiful woman you've become'

I remember sitting on her hospital bed, clutching onto her hand for dear life. I felt so helpless, knowing she was withering away in my hands, but she somehow sat through the pain and spent her last moments with me carrying a smile bright as ever on her face. As she wiped away my tears with her shaking, frail hands, she continued to speak reassuring words to me as though she wasn't dying on the spot. I had always admired how strong my Nana was and I aspire to be just like her one day.

'Now, I want you to listen to what I say next dearie, because it is all I have ever wanted for you. I know you think you don't need anyone and that you only burden the people around you, which couldn't be further from the truth, but someday it's all gonna catch up to you. It's not gonna be pretty when it does so I want you to be good to yourself and let them try. Whoever it is, whenever it is, you're gonna meet someone who'll show you how to truly live and they're gonna be able to help you. They might not be perfect, far from it actually, and you might not see it right away, but they're what you need.

I'm not saying you should throw away everything you've built yourself into because I love how strong you are and you should never let yourself be defined by what someone else says. The only person who can truly make you grow is yourself. However, it is not a sin to have someone give you a little nudge in the right direction, you know? That special someone is gonna find a way to shine some light into your life and they're gonna help you find who you are. Who we're surrounded by plays a major role in who we grow to be. So, Peach, let them in. Let yourself be taken care of by someone else for once. You're only gonna tire yourself out if you keep going like this honey. Your gramps helped me figure out how to get through life and all I want is for you to have the same opportunity. Promise me you'll try Peach?'

I said yes, of course. I just don't know how I'm going to keep from breaking my promise. What if she's wrong? What if I don't get that opportunity? I don't know any of that right now, but what I do know is that I'm late for my next class.

I run down the empty hallway with my footsteps echoing as I approach the hefty, oakwood door. Silently slipping into an empty seat, I listen to my professor's speech about the art of analyzing the text. I've been majoring in English Lit for almost a year now and even though it's admittedly quite challenging, I don't regret choosing it. "Late again?" I hear a husky voice speak and turn to my left to see my friend Leo staring at me, his ivy green eyes painted with amusement and his pink lips sitting in a smug smirk. I've always envied how clear his dark complexion is and how his black curls always sit perfectly, not one hair out of line. It's scary how flawless he is sometimes.

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