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Lily POV

I come back to what is happening now and I feel Lia embracing me. "You're safe. You're safe. He's not here," she said softly, rubbing my back.

She knows about my history and has encountered something similar with a psycho ex-boyfriend. I unleash tears. The part of my life that I want to erase from my mind like it never occurred.

"Let it all out bar. I'm right here," she said as she huddle me in her arms. "I'm going to kill that bitch."

"That's not a nice phrase to say, Lia."

"I know it's not but you can agree with me that she is," she smiled.

"She is but it's still not nice," I smiled, laughing a bit. My trance stops at her as my mind has completely halted. Dahlia Lopez; my family, sister, ride or die, and the one who can make you laugh during the wrong moment.

"You're way too nice Lils," she laughed.

"ALL OF YOU FIVE IN MY OFFICE NOW!" We turned our heads seeing Principal Williams there looking stressed and mad. Lia and I look at one another and look back at Principal Williams. My eyes widened but her eyes had no frightened expression.

We walked to his office and once we opened the door we saw Britney and her friends with many bruises that Lia gave them. When I looked at her weirdly she was smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" I leaned over her shoulder and ask her.

"Oh it's nothing to worry about boo," she said, beaming even more. "Everything will be alright."

"What happened at the cafeteria ladies." He interlocks his hand while glaring at all of us.

As Dahlia was about to talk Britney positions her hand in front of Lia's face preventing her from talking. "This........girl came up to me and started to whack me for no reason at all," she said.

"Get your nasty hand away from my face and what the hell!" Lia yelled, making Principal Williams whip his head toward us.

"Ms. Lopez we will not have that kind of language in this school," he said in a profound tone.

"You know damn well that's not what happened though," Lia said.

"What happened then?" he asked.

"She started to scream at Lily then proceeded to smack her so I punched her in return. She was basically asking for it," she shrugs.

She proceeded to go into more detail and told him that this fight was about a boy that Britney liked. "You are Barbie, Britney. You're built from plastic. That's why no one wants you. No one wants to eat plastic," Lia said as the five of us eyes widened.

"What?! Well........." Britney got really quiet after that until Principal Williams spoke.

"Ok Britney and Britney's friends you all get four days of detention," he said before he covers his ears.

"What, that's not fair! She hit me and gave me all these hideous bruises and you're just going to let her get away with it! Wait until my daddy hears about this!" she screamed. She walked out of the office and slammed the door on the way out with her friends.

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