Naruto proposes to kushina and the wedding

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 this music stared to play in the background no one pov we see Naruto meeting kushina at the park

then Naruto  asked kushina to marry him and kushina said you i will marry you.

Naruto said ok let's go and tall my mom when they got to the house  Naruto

said that kushina  said yes then his mom give him a hug then said let's start 

preparations for the wedding.

After that it was two weeks left before the wedding and   naruto was  at
Home when his mom Asked have you got your bestman sorted  of mom
I have  to ask first  i will go out and see if i can find him and ask him to be

my bestman see you in bit mom

naruto  pov 

i  walk  around the village untill i saw Minato sitting at the park when minato saw him

and ask me what was up so i ask him if he will be my bestman when i get marry to kushina

minato said yes i love to be your bestman can i bring a date.

(naruto said yes you can bring a date who are you bring in to the wedding?)

minato said that i'am bring in Mikoto Uchiha is that ok? 

naruto said that ok come to the senju house to see my mom about your suit see

you then i'am off back home to tall my mom about this see ya.

(NO ONE pov)

after that Naruto ran home naruto got in the house  and say mom iam home

tsunade say welcome back home did you find Minato yes mom

he said yes he is all so bring a plus one .

ok son what are you going to do now ? 

i will go to bed and see you later on.

no one pov

it was the day of the wedding and tsunade came in to naruto room and said get up 

naruto and  get dressed it time for the wedding after that tsunade left the room

naruto got up and went in to the bathroom  after he came out he got  dressed

in to his suit and went down to see his mom and minato waiting for him 

when tsunade saw naruto she said you look good son let's get  to the 

Churche when they got to the churche they waiting for kushina  

after 2:00 the music stared to play

after the song was done kushina was next to  naruto ans then the  hokage  said let's get stared.

hokage pov 

we are here today to marry naruto senju and kushina uzumaki  do an have an thing to say

no ok naruto you will go first then kushina.

naruto pov  kushina you have bin with me for a long time i do not no were i would be with out

i no that this is start of the rest of days togeather i love you always and forever  and i will be

there for you always my love.

hokage pov  now kushina it is  yours turn to say your vowe .

Kushina pov for the first time in my life  a have you as my first friend first kiss and now i can

spend the rest of my life with you  and grow old together and i love you to the stars and back

Hokage pov now that you have said your vowe  now you may kiss the Bridal.

no one pov after that they all went to the party then after that naruto and kushina went

on a honeymoon for two week

no pov when they get back let's see what is happing in the next part of the story

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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what if Naruto  was a  senju and  born 4year earlier and marred   kushinaWhere stories live. Discover now