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The two then reached the cafeteria, where they saw the redhead pilot yelling at the poor boy. She eventually stopped her verbal assault on Shinji. Gordon went into the food line and got something he is familiar with, a Chicken sandwich. He and Ritsuko headed to Shinji's table and sat down. "Hey Kid, you OK?" Shinji perked up from his usual doom and gloom, to look at Gordon. "Uh Yes…" He said not making full eye contact. "I'm guessing you sent Rei to ask your questions." Shinji then got immediately flustered. "Erm Yes…" He was embarrassed. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I used to have confidence issues, but then I realized that I had to move past the pain, especially if I wanted to make it out of Black Mesa alive!" Shinji seemed to take that to heart, as he looked like he was calming down. "Anyways, are you OK? Considering that Asuka was yelling at you." He tensed up again, there is something wrong with this kid. "Ah these two argue like an old married couple, its not really much to get concerned about." Ritsuko said, after which Shinji immediately blushed. Ah the kid has a crush on her, its not to hard to see that, putting up with abuse, its toxic if it gets out of hand…

Maybe I should talk to this kid, he certainly looks like he needs a role model… "So Shinji how did you get selected to be an EVA pilot?" Gordon asked. Shinji frowned. "My father called me here just before the third angel appeared, after all these years since he abandoned me… He said I was the only one to pilot Unit 1." Shinji looked sad after he said this. Jesus, "After all these years since he abandoned me!?" I'm surprised his father didn't get kicked in the nuts for that. "And what happened to your mother?" Gordon asked wanting to get a better picture of the situation. "She died when I was 3, and a few days later he abandoned me…" Gordon was utterly appalled at this. That bastard! I see him, I would batter him with a fucking crowbar! "Shinji, do you know where your father is?…" Gordon was visibly seething with rage. Ritsuko put a firm hand on Gordon's shoulder. "He is the Commander here." She said with a stern voice. "You cannot attack him, That would be an act of treason against NERV and The UN." Gordon grumbled and folded his arms. He finished up his sandwich, and headed back to the lab. On the way to the lab he saw an older man in a brown uniform, he the stopped Gordon. "Ah Mr Freeman, I'm finally glad that I could meet you in person. I am Sub-commander Kozo Fuyutsuki." Gordon didn't know if he should punch or listen. "I'm sure you've already heard from Shinji, that his father is the commander, I was told to bring you to him, And I'm sure you'd very much like to sock him in the face…" He sounded almost sad at that last part. "But Id ask, if you'd hold your frustration until after what he has to say." Fuyutsuki gestured for Gordon to follow him, and so he did.

After following him into a long elevator ride, they eventually made their way into a receptionist area, and a large metal door. Fuyutsuki swiped a card and the door opened revealing an almost empty room with a desk in the middle. And there sat the man Gordon wanted to pummel so badly. The two walked in, Fuyutsuki now standing beside Gendo Ikari. His hands folded in a pose that looks intimidating to many. His Orange glasses glisten in the dying of the daylight. "Gordon Freeman. I have requested your presence. I was told of your little incident in the test chamber. While I am pleased to hear that no equipment has been damaged, Id rather have you avoid doing things yourself. I will place extra security around to prevent this from happening again." His stance was unwavering. Oh, so no thank you for saving my son? I would've payed the man who saved my son… This Bastard… "That is all. You may go." Gordon wanted to strangle him, but he knew that would not end well. He turned around and left, asking the receptionist for directions. After which he was walking down the hallway and checking his phone. Apparently Reddit is now the largest Social media site, Facebook got shut down for… Yeah… He checked the time and saw it was about 2:34. He still had 4 more hours of work…

He made it back to Ritsuko's Lab, and found Ritsuko handling his Gravity gun, Improperly. Gordon rushed over and took it from her. "You hold it this way, and be very careful of which trigger you press." Gordon helped her position herself, and little did he know, she blushed a pinkish hue. "D-Dr Freeman this is hardly appropriate!" Gordon shook his head. "You where nearly about to knock yourself over! Its this side up, that's where the dampeners are best. And This trigger Repels and the other attracts and locks." The two went at this for a bit until Gordon felt that she could use this without him. And coincidentally this took four hours. The two said their farewells and See-you-laters and that they would meet in the base's bar at 8 pm. He headed back to his quarters (after getting lost two times). He sat down and sighed, its going to be a long time before he can head back home. He then decided he was going to journal. He wrote down the events that transpired over the past month, and all those years ago. Benrey, Bubby, Tommy, And Dr Coomer… I wont forget you… He Closed the note app on his phone and sighed. He thought about Ritsuko for a bit, and about Shinji. Gordon thought he should be the one to mentor the kid, and take him on and teach him some stuff. Gordon couldn't keep his eyes open, so he set an alarm for 7:30 and took a nap.

He awoke, shutting off his alarm and getting dressed in his City 17 clothes. He checked his phone and opened up the directions to the Bar. Gordon walked through the large cavern to the recreational center. He took an elevator to the middle level of the Geo-front. He walked down a few hallways and made it to the bar, where he took a seat on a bar stool. The bartender walked up to him and asked him what drink he wants. "Anything with Orange in it." Then the bartender went to go and make his drink. Gordon then felt a hand tap him on the shoulder. "Hey Gordon, How's it hanging?" He turned to see Ryoji Kaji smiling at him. "Hey Ryoji, how are you?" Kaji sat next to him and pulled out a cigarette. "Its been pretty good, The commander didn't take it well that you did that, did he?" Gordon was surprised to hear that he knows about that. "How did you know about me seeing him?" Kaji lit his cigarette and took a drag from it. "I'm from both the UN and NERV, Here I'm part of Intelligence." The bartender came back with an Orange Martini. Then he turned to Kaji who ordered a Yebisu and a shot of whiskey. Gordon asked why he ordered two, and to which Kaji replied to wait. A few minutes later the two most Important females in NERV appeared, dressed in some nice clothing. "Sorry to keep you boys waiting." Misato said taking the Yebisu from Kaji and sitting next to him. Ritsuko sat next to Gordon and ordered a drink. "I never pegged you for a cocktail person. I thought you'd get a beer like Misato here." Kaji then said something in Japanese that made Ritsuko blush madly, and Misato punch Kaji's shoulder. Gordon raised an eyebrow and to which Ritsuko replied with. "You really don't need to worry about what he said…" Gordon then slowly nodded as he took a sip of his drink. The group of adults laughed, drank, and chatted as the night went on. Eventually they stayed until the bar was closing. Kaji took Misato home, due to her being wasted. The women drank over 7 tall cans… Ritsuko walked Gordon back to his room, and said goodnight to each other. When Ritsuko got back to her house, she flopped onto the bed and sighed. She remembered what Kaji said. "Since now you know he likes cocktails, maybe he can show you his special "Cock" tail!" She blushed madly at that thought. Its only been one day of working together, and I… feel something about him, no… I love Gendo not him… She tried to press this into her mind as she fell asleep. Gordon Freeman… You've certainly caught my attention…

Sorry for the short chapter today, I have much more in store for the Freeman and the pilots!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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