6 ꨄ.

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*DING DONG* i looked up from putting my lashes on. i tuned my head and look at the pic body mirror i had in the corner of my room. i looked at the picture of Tez . i ran my fingers over his face and his body. " i think i really like him , i feel like you would love him too tez". " i really hope your happy for me" i said trailing off. i had to admit yes i did like bles , i just wasnt completely sure if he liked me. he'd make comments and stuff like he was into me but to dudes that could mean nothing. so of course i wasn't gonna tell him i was feeling him. but considering hes asking to take
me somewhere and he wont even tell me . i only have to feel like it has to be more to it. i got up and began down the stairs. I heard my momma . "yes i hear you son , dont do no stupid shit yall" " i hear you ma, she will be home no later then 12 like you said" " ight yall bye i love yall" " love you too" we both said in unison.
I hopped in his car , it was nice . Very clean and smelled nice. "Sooooo where are we going?" i said after a small moment of silence. " im taking you somewhere special to me" " awe thats so sweet bles, you really a big fluffy ass teddy bear under all that aren't you" i said with a cheesey grin on my face. " Aries chill tf out" he said turning into a gas station. " ok ok chill ur tits" " yo what" he said laughing as he got out to pump gas. I sat waited on my phone while he did and then i saw a 2 flashes. i looked over to see bles with his camera out right in my face. " well if your gonna take pictures of me , atleast make sure im ready" i said rolling my eyes " well get ready then"

 " well if your gonna take pictures of me , atleast make sure im ready" i said rolling my eyes " well get ready then"

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" you are seriously so beautiful hialeah

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" you are seriously so beautiful hialeah."
once he said that my heart stopped. this this man really just call me beautiful. not sexy , hot, or bad . He genuinely called me beautiful. " bles.... i wasn't expecting that , thank you so much" i said looking at him " i really needed to hear that" looking at hands then looking back at him. " anytime , i hope you dont ever feel as if you arent worthy Hialeah" " i wouldnt say that , just sometimes its good to hear. i have struggled with my image in the past but ive moved on from that" " I completely understand Aries, ive just been around women who have issues with themselves and deal with it different ways. my mother as an example" " yea i get it" i said looking up at him smiling
30 minutes later ;

 my mother as an example" " yea i get it" i said looking up at him smiling 30 minutes later ;

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" i come out here all the time. mostly to clear
my mind when i feel like im flipping; i just sit and think about everything. You know i dont show an emotional side much but alot of the times im lost . its hard to explain really. do you ever feel like ur messing something so much to the point where you feel lost" "Kind of like a lost..." "Soul" we said in unison once again. " you know thats the reason why i took latin" he said chiming in . I once read a book it was my moms favorite before she got all well you know. It was about a boy who had lost his mother and father in a house fire . He had to go to foster care and be split up from his siblings. He was so mad at the world and what had happened to him he became so much a menace to the point where he ended up having to do 15 years in prison. While he was there they noticed he was really into drawing and reading to express his emotions , so they got him a therapist. She was a beautiful lady and she really helped him alot . While he was there she taught him latin. He never understood why cause he always thought latin was like a dead language. But when she was teaching him , he learned that almost all the words in the english language stimed from latin. Sooner or later the Man began to development a crush on her. Day by day spending more more time together. til one day she showed up to there meeting with a engagement ring on. he noticed and he spiraled. They next day they found him in his prison ceil dead. He had hung himself. with a note left beside written in his neat handwriting. " Domine dimitte mihi pro anima mea perdita. sic me amari posse putabam, nec tamen quisquam animam perditam sicut meam amare poterat." "What does that mean?" i said softly he turn to me then back at the open lit sky.
" Lord Forgive me for my lost soul. so i thought i could be loved, yet no one could love a lost soul like mine." he said not breaking his eyes from where he was looking.
"no one knew the man could actually understand and write latin fluently til then" he said looking at me. " wow thats a beautiful story bles i would have never guess thats why you took latin." " yeah i dont like to tell many people but your the closest person to me , i have literally told you everything" he sighed. " Well ive told you mostly everything about me too" i said looking at my nails. " mostly" he said raising an eyebrow. i opened my phone to my lockscreen " you wanna know who this is?" he nodded. " This is Tezaire, without him i wouldnt be the person i am today... hes helped me with so much. we met in the 3rd grade it was the anniversary of my dads death and i was crying at recess. he gave me some of his candy and said "Hialeah please dont cry , everything is going to be ok" and ever since then hes been my backbone. all up until last year . he went missing and i haven't saw him since. every day i pray hes not kidnapped or anything worse .....dead" i said looking at him when i noticed a tear dropped i didnt even know i was crying. " Hialeah i know you miss him so dearly . i bet you two were inseparable . but just think about it where ever he is , he's here and always with you in spirit no matter where remember that ok?" he said lifting my
chin. " ok" i said wiping my face . i hated crying  and in front of bles. "Thank you bles for being me here" " Anytime short"
"anything for the person i love..."
"wait you love me? "i said shocked
"yes ofc aries , ive never felt this way about anyone"
" I love you bles..."

Okkkk sooo basically this has been the worse week of my life. i hate it here and on top of that i think i have covid so thats wonderful but i hope y'all enjoyed this update. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. *i wrote half of this in like full blown tears* its been a pretty rough time 4 me yall😬. byeee thooo

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