British Magical History: Merlin and King Arthur: Muggle Version

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To Muggles, the stories of King Arthur (including Merlin) are thought to be a myth. Muggles believe that Merlin was only granted the gift of magic because his mother was raped by a demon while still a virgin. The Muggles' legend continues that Merlin found himself to be King Uther Pendragon's personal sorcerer. Uther desired Igraine, the wife of his enemy, with whom he was attempting to create peace. Uther desired the woman so much that he persuaded Merlin to enchant him so that he sounded and looked like her husband King Gorlois, in order to have one night with her. This happened to be the night Arthur was conceived. After he was born, Merlin rushed Arthur away to a village where he secretly entrusted the child to another family. Arthur grew up without knowledge of his heritage, until Uther was killed by his daughter Morgan Le Fey. She grew bitter and evil towards her father, because now that her mother and Gorlois were both dead, Uther was able to marry Igraine and take Gorlois' land for his own. Moran, as she was sometimes known, desired the kingdom and power for herself. Unfortunately she knew nothing about Uther's illegitimate son. After Uther was killed, Merlin rushed to the village where he had placed Arthur in the care of Sir Ector. Arthur, now a grown man, followed Merlin back to take his rightful place as king and to rid his evil half-sister of power. This proved to be harder than anticipated because Morgan Le Fey had magic.

Merlin eventually became Arthur's greatest advisor and helped him become king. The kingdom, though, was torn between loyalty to Morgana and loyalty to Arthur. Merlin, many years previously, enchanted a sword, Excalibur, to be stuck in a stone until the rightful owner tried to take it for his own. People did not know it was Merlin's doing, but instead that the sword was placed in the stone by the Gods. Arthur manages to pull Excalibur from the stone. People all around the different kingdoms hear about this and they flock to him for leadership. Arthur is quickly thereafter crowned as king of all of England, with his throne in the castle of Camelot.

Later, barons and knights suggested it was time for Arthur to get a wife and Arthur chooses a woman by the name of Guinevere. However, Merlin foresees that Guinevere will betray Arthur, because one of Arthur's own knight's, Sir Lancelot, will fall in love with her. But Arthur would not listen and soon the two of them were married. Merlin's prediction would become a reality later on.

One day, King Pellinor, brings a lady to King Arthur's court. A lady, by the name of Nimue. She is today known as the Damsel of the Lake. Merlin falls in love with Nimue, and he doesn't leave her side at any time possible. Nimue is interested in Merlin's magical gift and Merlin teaches her all the magic he knows. Nimue later accommodates him to the land of Benwick where Merlin saw Lancelot, and predicted that he would one day be known as the most honourable and noble knight in all of England. On their travels, Nimue realises the affections Merlin has for her and she sees the potential in this. They came to a cave where she saw her great chance to be rid of Merlin. She uses her own magic against him, and trapped him inside the cave, never to see the brightness of the sun ever again.

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