Meet me on the equinox

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Setting: Twilight  

I stroked the back of my across her soft face. Bella, after months, had eventually gotten used to my ice-cold touch. Yet another reminder of my lack of humanity. It amazed me how one could be so comfortable, in love with such a dangerous being. I could end her life in a matter of seconds, and destroy everything. Not what Esme and Carlisle had built for us, but everything being myself. 

She pushed her soft hair behind her pale ear. Her scent came rushing towards me, gushing. I inhaled and it consumed me. I'd learn to resist, I'd become strong. Not as strong as Carlisle, though, his kind of strength was.. unbelievable. How could one be a vampire; a creature that lusted over blood, fed on it, was obsessed with it, and yet still spend almost every moment around it? It amazed me. 

Bella's hand cupped and took its place on the back of my neck. You couldn't imagine how pleasureful every touch Bella blessed me with felt, after over a century of remaining pure, like when a flower grows on a tree in the spring, and remains untouched until it slowly passes in autumn. 

She leaned in towards me and slowly closed over her pale, almost transparent eyelids. Her lips touched mine passionately, and we exchanged our love for each other. In moments like these, overwhelmed with lust, my mind would wander. Every time, the same thought; "What is Bella thinking?". It was irritating not to know what she was thinking, to not have an insight into her mind, full of secrets hidden away from me, but yet it made me feel human. 

I understood how mortals felt, being unable to register almost every thought that surrounded them, and yet they were lucky to not have to deal with that constant mental noise. Yelling, screaming, love, hatred, it was exhausting. It made me wish I could just lay down and take a long nap, which is impossible. Another loss of being immortal.

Bella slowly pulled away from me and looked into my golden-hazel eyes. "Overthinking again?" she questioned. It was a little scary that from time to time she was able to read and predict me so well, maybe she could read my mind? Oh, how terrifying that would be, although there's nothing special in my mind.. most of the time.

I looked up at her. Every time our eyes connected, it felt as though we shared a part of our souls with each other. That's a common misconception, people believing we do not have souls. Maybe it is just our coven that does, but we all feel emotions. Guilt, sadness, pain, and occasionally happiness and joy. Other's other our kind are not so empathetic. They're monsters, but who isn't? Deep down inside, all of us are.

"Possibly, what are you these days- a mind reader" I teased. Bella released a small giggle, innocently flowing through the trees in small sound waves. Her smile was like the brightness that overtook the world every morning, and I was like the pain and sorrow that overtook the world every night. The darkness that so many feared.

"I'm slowly turning into you," she continued to giggle, "although I don't quite think you'd enjoy that, would you?" Bella continued. She was correct. For her to suffer like me, every day, would crush me. Alice says that there's no avoiding it, but I refuse to believe her. I couldn't let Bella suffer like that, suffer like all of us. She had a future.

"Not exactly" I laughed, trying my best to sound optimistic. Occasionally, she'd see through these acts, but I could tell she'd never mention them to me. She wanted me to be happy, and I wanted her to be happy, but I knew there was truly only one way to do that.

Bella curled up into a ball, like a small child, and lay on my exposed chest. She always found me so beautiful in this state, and I glistened like a diamond. Millions of diamonds. I truly didn't understand how she could think that. In this form, I was exposed as this horrible creature that so many feared.

Her perfectly chiseled face looked up at me, and smile. The light once again flooding the field. I gave her a half-smile back, still overwhelmed by my thoughts, though my mind was silent. Away from other being's thoughts. I lay my head in the soft meadow, and continued. How did I, Edward Cullen- a monster, end up with this saint.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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