Chapter One

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the email.

as athena was scrolling anxiously through her emails, through the corner of her eye she had seen a reply to one of her emails. quickly clicking on the email scanning over it the girls stomach dropped.

the casting crew of outerbanks 3 had read her email and replied. as she continued reading the email a small smile crept upon her face, they wanted her to come in and do a real audition and maybe even chemistry reads.

at this moment athena had forgotten about her sadness and was probably the happiest she had ever been.


athena had quickly felt energized at the news she had just gotten,  an entire summer with actors she adored, maybe she could have the life she had dreamed of.

the girl had quickly gotten up, wanting to do something which was rare for her. she went to her bathroom, doing her hair and putting on light makeup.

she threw on an outfit and left her small apartment in Charleston. this was even better because she didn't have to move nor save up for a place to live. athena was so relived because if she got the role she wouldn't have to awkwardly live with cast mates who probably wouldn't even like her.


as athena walked into the small record store she looked around in awe.
she wasn't the most informed about vinyls nor the record player but she knew how to play and take care of them. so she thought this was the perfect opportunity for her to treat herself to a few new vinyls. smiling at the cashier she made her way to the section that most peaked her interest.

athena looked at the vinyls for what seemed like hours, picking the post interesting ones.

as she went to get in line, following a guy she assumed to be going to check out too. the guy glanced back as she realized who the guy was. glancing at the few vinyls he also had in his hands she gave him a genuine smile. the guy had also looked at her vinyls, making eye contact "you're a collector too huh?"

"a pathetic collector if i could even call myself one" she said looking down at the items  she had in her hand.

chuckling lightly,he moved up and paid for his items. as he left the store he looked back at athena shooting her a wide smile.

she had placed her items on the counter as the worker had informed her that the person in front of her had paid for her few vinyls. blushing slightly the cashier had offered her a bag, she obliged as she walked out of the store happier than ever.

she had just met drew starkey and he bought her vinyls.


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