Living In A Lie

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Arlette POV

Looking up into my small, handheld, gold mirror, I tucked a few bits of hair behind my ear while bringing some others forward in a bit of a hurry as I continuously glanced away from the mirror to make sure I wasn't being impolite. It's not exactly very mannerly to fix your hair right before tea time, especially not when you're doing it at the table, but today isn't just any normal tea time with friends or anything like that, we have to be on our game.

I took a deep breath and looked around my reflection one more time before I glanced away from the mirror to see Audrey lightly jogging over to the table I was already sitting at, right in the middle of one of the more private Auradon Prep courtyards. She took a quick breath as soon as she got to the table and quickly straightened out her dress,

"She's coming, do I look alright?"

Audrey quickly spoke, but Audrey always looks alright! Well, more than alright, more like gorgeous, but you get my point I'm sure,

"Of course you do, maybe just tuck a bit more hair behind this ear"

I quickly and quietly spoke as I pointed up at the ear in question, making her jump into action and quickly tucking the strand of hair behind her ear as I put my mirror away in my purse and stood up from my seat,

"Is she in a good mood?"

I quickly asked, Audrey pursed her lips together and shrugged as she quirked her brow a bit,

"Not sure, she was unreadable driving in and is walking remarkably fast for a seventy-year-old in heels, I think she's okay but is most certainly on a mission"

"As always"

I said with a light chuckle, trying to ease the mood as I can sense both Audrey and I are tense, we always are when she's around. Still feeling a little nervous about how I look, I sighed and looked down at myself. I thought I looked rather nice, but I never know what she'll say until she sees me of course,

"How do I look? I thought this outfit looked... well, proper and nice, right?"

Audrey looked me up and down with great haste and quickly nodded,

"Oh for sure, you look gorgeous Arlette. I love the long blue skirt, I think she will too! And a long sleeve was a good bet, the little necktie is super cute"

Aw good! Thank goodness... I sure do hope I look nice to her though. A long-sleeve button-up with some puffy sleeves and golden buttons, a little black ribbon-like necktie, a nice skirt that reaches right in the middle of my shins with matching gold button accents, white mary janes with gold buckles, I even got Audrey to help curl my hair today! And of course, the small little pink and silver crystal pendant I wear every day even if it doesn't match my outfit. It's the one thing I'll let not match my outfits, seeing as silver and gold jewelry can clash, but I could never dream of not wearing it. It was our mother's favorite necklace you see, our father gave it to her and somehow I ended up with it...

But... But I don't wanna go further down that thought train, it's not like I have time to anyway.

Audrey gently nudged my arm with her elbow, making me look up from zoning out to see the woman herself marching across the lawn with two guards at her sides, immediately it seemed to move both Audrey and I. We both straightened up, lifted our chins a bit more, brought our hands in front of us to gently hold them, and pushed our shoulders down and back. It's like a switch is flipped, and I'm very aware of that.

I glanced over to Audrey to see her frozen still, leading me to look forward again just as the woman called out to us,

"Good afternoon ladies"

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