Baby Girl👶🍼

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Pov: y/n

I woke up and found myself in a crib. But the crib was like a cage, the bars were high, so if I wanted to climb out I couldn't.

So I started to scream. A short brunette instantly came in the room. Some how she picked me up and tried to hush me down.

I started to fight her, until she dropped me on the ground. But she dropped me lightly, like she wanted to make sure I didn't hurt myself.

I tried to crawl past her and out the door, but she caught me by my waist.

"Bad girl. Don't run away from mommy." The brunette whispered and picked me back up again. This time I didn't try to fight her, besides her grip was way to strong.

She carried me to another room with all pink walls and toys everywhere. She placed me down.

"You're gonna stay here for some time baby, while mommy goes out, Liz will be here later on to watch you." The brunette said softly.

"I don't want to stay here. I don't even want to be here!" I yelled. Ari tilted her head, and her eyes went black. I started to get scared because I never saw anything.

"Wait, mama why am I here?" I called her mama to make her a little happy, and it worked. She got so excited that I called her that.

"You're here because I love you. And you're mine little one." With a big smile playing on her lips, she left, nd locked the door.

Soon I heard a car's engine leave out the driveway. Once I knew she was gone I tried to break out the room, with everything. I even tried to pick the lock, but that didn't work either!

20 minutes later a car pulled up to the driveway. I guessed it was Liz, here to watch me. And I was right. Liz unlocked the door, and looked at me with a confused look. She closed the door and faced me again.

"You must be the "little baby" Ariana has been talking about. When she said baby, I thought she meant an actual baby." Liz let out a small chuckle. I just continued to look at her.

"well, I guess you're hunger? Let's go to the kitchen and get you something." Liz picked me up and placed me on her hip. After Liz fed me bananas and blueberries, we spent an two hours playing board games and the other games and toys in the room. 20 minutes before Ariana came back, Liz left and locked the door again.

20 minutes later the brunette busts in the room and picks me up.

"Did you have fun with Liz?"

"yeah, I did. She's really fun. I just didn't like when she tried to give me milk from a bottle."

The brunette frowned, then smiled again.

"Well, if you're not ready for that, that's okay babygirl. You can try again later."

The brunette carried me out of the pink play room, and I was back downstairs. She buckled me in a high chair, and I really didn't like it.

"Do you really need to buckle me in a high chair?" I asked doubtfully.

"I'm sorry princess, but mama doesn't want you to fall out the chair."

Ariana went on to ask me what I wanted to eat for dinner. I wasn't really hungry, so I asked if I can just have fruit again. She agreed and chopped up some bananas and strawberries for me. Ariana finished and started to feed me. And I let her. Somehow after dinner, I fell asleep on the couch in Ariana's arms.

A/N: First imagine and I hoped you really enjoyed it!

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