Holding hands😦✋✨✨✨🙄😍😩😋

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After standing for few seconds of standing Quackity got and amazing idea.😦

"Uhuhuuu follow meee Pitbull" Quackity said while walking.

Pitbull followed behind.🙄

Quackity stopped walking and Pitbull stood next to him.

"Now we can hold hands and brake roblox® rulessss"Quackity said.

Then they hold hands and Quackity laughed like a maniac.😍🤞✨✨

•Did I just hear a bug walk inside my room sealing? Yes😔😀🖕✨✨ remember drinking Piss from a cup is ok•

Quackity x Pitbull😩😦😍🤞✨✨Where stories live. Discover now