Now, Who Are You?

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We had been running with almost no breaks for hours before I finally thought it was safe to stop. Dog ears had stopped being able to run about an hour ago and she had been passed out on the boy twin's back ever since.

"It should be safe to stop here for the night, the trackers shouldn't be turned on until midday tomorrow so we will need to get moving then." We didn't have any food or supplies, so we would have to find some at some point, but this area would do if we cleared the ground of stray branches. 

We were in a heavily tree-covered area, but we had found a small area where the trees weren't as dense. The night wasn't going to be a comfortable one, but at least we had some protection.

The boy twin set down dog ears against a tree and we all just kind of stood around. They seemed to be waiting for me to say something, I had seemingly become the kind of leader of this little group of misfits.

"Well, what are your names and powers, I can't keep calling you guys weird nicknames in my head" I sit down on the floor, my leg sore from the constant /running. The others slowly start to sit down as well, except for the twins.

"Wait... what were you calling us in your head?" Says platinum blonde, a hint of curiosity showing through in her tone of voice.

"Platinum blonde, dog ears, glasses, and boy twin and girl twin" I point at each person as I say it, each person's face changing depending on what they thought of their nickname. "Anyway that's beside the point what are your actual names and powers. I can tell most of your powers from just looking at you but tell everyone else."

"How rude, I'm not defined by my glasses." She seemed to be trying to speak in a serious tone, but she couldn't stop laughing. "I'm August, as most of you probably work out I have a version of telepathy that allows me to influence people's decisions by speaking into their minds. You know, the voice in your head telling you to jump." She points to herself. "That was me, although I wouldn't have done it without being told to by this girl here." She points to me.

"Ok, ok, calm down all I did was give you an idea. The rest was all you." I say laughing. I'm glad we are able to have a small bit of fun even in this horrible situation. "My name is Nora. My power enhances my abilities, so basically I'm just an above-average person. Slightly stronger, faster, smarter, and agile. Stuff like that." Although I wasn't exactly lying, I hoped they wouldn't be able to tell I wasn't telling the full truth.

Platinum blonde speaks up next. "You know this isn't my real hair colour right? I have dark brown hair normally. Call me Lacey, I'm obviously an air elemental, my hair wasn't constantly blowing in the wind two years ago. To be honest it's really annoying." She sighs and attempts to flick her hair only for the wind around her to pick up again.

The twins look at each other, again seemingly sharing some secret only they knew about, before sitting down with the rest of the group.

"I'm Aiden-" "and I'm Emma!" The girl, Emma cuts over the top of Aiden as he was talking, earning a death glare from him.

"Emma we agreed that I would do the introduction," Aiden says, annoyed. Emma gives him a small pout before he continued. "We're twins, obviously, our powers are linked, I can see and hear what she can and she can see and hear what I can, as well as having a mind link so we can talk to each other."

August's head shoots up suddenly as she exclaims "So that's why you kept looking at each other like your meaning to say something but never talk." The two of them start laughing in unison. Kind of creepy but they just said they had a mind link so it's not as creepy I guess.

"Does anyone know anything about the girl over there" She was still fast asleep, completely unaware of what was going on around her. Her tail and ear fur were extremely matted, I was fighting the urge to just get up and brush it out.

"I think she used to go to my school. If I remember correctly her name is Isabella, but she went by Bella" Lacey spoke up, although her tone was unsure.

August piped up next. "She is obviously an animal hybrid, and very obviously a dog. So she probably has heightened hearing and smell. But that also means she probably has green-red colour blindness, as dogs can only see the colours yellow and blue" This suddenly becomes very obvious, as her clothes are mostly blue and grey, besides the yellow sunflower stretching across her chest. I wonder what it was like to suddenly wake up one day and not being able to see most colours.

The sun sets lower over the horizon as we made small talk. None of us had eaten proper food for a while, but we also hadn't found anything to eat so it couldn't be helped. Bella hadn't woken up the entire time so the group had decided it was a good idea to sleep.

"Hey Lacey, why are you wearing summer clothes in the middle of winter?" I say quietly, trying not to wake anyone up as Lacey sits down to try and sleep.

"Huh? Oh, although I can't stop the wind constantly spiraling around me, I can change the temperature of it at least so I never really get hot or cold" she lies down on the hard floor.

I lie down as well, trying to make the best of the living situation. At least we were safe. But I knew I wasn't going to get much sleep anyway. 

Word count - 1009

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