Chapter 1

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A shrill alarm woke me from a deep sleep, and I had hit the snooze several times before I could fully wake. I slowly got up and walked to the bathroom and began running the shower, steam filling the air. I stood in the shower letting the hot water flow down my body. I got out and dried myself off and began towel drying my curly hair. I then brushed my teeth, put on my cloths, and headed into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I looked at the clock and cursed under my breath. It was time to leave for work. I quickly placed my coffee into a to go cup and grabbed my keys. I walked outside to my car and headed to work.

When I arrived, there was a note from the boss to meet him in the conference room in twenty minutes. I sat my bags down and looked through the papers I found on my desk. There's a new site in china that a local museum wants us to investigate to look for artifacts associated with Sun Wukong the monkey king. I'll need to do more research on this Sun Wukong later, but right now I must meet my boss in the conference room.

I grabbed the papers and headed down the hall. When I arrived, I closed the door behind me leaving me and my boss alone in the room. The man I know as Jim stared at me and motioned me to sit across from him. I took the seat and laid the papers in front of me and he smiled.

"so you saw what I laid on your desk?" he asked sipping from his coffee mug.

"yes it's very interesting have you already set up a team for this expedition?" I asked hoping I might get the chance to be on a team for once instead of examining the items once they are here at the office.

"as a matter of fact I have, and because of your knowledge in Chinese mythology, you have been selected as one of the members to investigate a site in small village outside of Biging China ."

"really!" I said trying to keep the excitement out of my voice and failing badly. Jim Chuckled and gave me a folder with tickets, travel papers, and brochures.

"you leave at 6 AM tomorrow morning so go home and pack your bags, and don't forget your passport." He said and I thanked him and quickly left to room before going to my desk and grabbing my laptop and walking out to my car. I needed to go to the store to grab a few travel items and then I'll be on my way home.

In the store I picked up some toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, and a travel pillow for the plane. After I paid for my items, I headed home and began packing for the trip. I can't believe this is happening. I have a chance to get promoted if this expedition goes well. As I packed I made sure that I had plenty of clothing, and toiletries. I also made sure that I took extra money just in case. I also packed some books, gum, and earbuds in a carry on along with anything else I would need on the plane. When I was finished packing I called my parents and asked if Athena, my cat could stay with them until I get back.

Mother was glad that I was finally getting what I wanted and father was worried and made sure I promised to be safe. After that I brushed my teeth, removed my makeup, set my alarm for 3 AM and went to bed.

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