Is this the end?

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Boruto's POV:

"Dad! what happened to the village??"

"I know what happened, stay here with your mother and sister, i'll deal with this." my dad said.

My father is the hokage, so he will deal with things like this, who did this and why...

"Big brother im scared..." himawari said, tugging on my jacket."

"It's going to be okay, stay calm. You're father will deal with this."

My mum and himawari went  to go evacuate out of the village, and i spot shikadai and his dad. 

"So you're also here huh?"

"yeah, running all the way here with a bunch of people is quite a drag." shikadai said.

"wheres everyone else?" i said.

"there on the way here, wait... is that.. KAWAKI?"

i look outdoors, and i turn speechless and shocked, i see kawaki destroying his own village.

why is he here.. why is he doing this..

I see kawaki in the sky, like he's floating like an otsutsuki and has godly powers now...

he's weaving some hand signs. 

n-no way.. it can't be.. that jutsu..

"FIRE STYLE, FIREBALL JUTSU!" i heard kawaki say from a distance.

kawaki's trying to blow up the whole village, i see a giant s fire ball incoming to burn the village even more. He's really trying to destroy it..

is that.. sarada and mitsuki out there..?? they're going to die!

n-no.. they're going to die, i have to save them!

I run out the door but someone grabs my arm to stop me. 

"oi boruto! you idiot! do you want to die that badly?" shikadai yelled at me.

"i have to save my friends!" and i pulled my hand away and ran outside.


i was running, exhausted with tears coming out from my eyes, and i look at my palm to see my karma, its already activated.

Saradas POV:

we won't make it in time to evacuate.. is that.. boruto??

we have a huge fireball aiming at me and mitsuki..

"fire style, fire ball justu!" i said, trying to protect me and mitsuki

boruto comes along but kawakis fireball is too big for mine... 

"DON'T HURT MY FRIENDS!!" boruto yelled, he stuck his arm up and suddenly kawaki's jutsu starts getting absorbed by boruto's karma.

If it wasn't for boruto, we would have been dead by now..

"isn't that lord 7th up there with kawaki?" mitsuki said.

I look up, and i see lord 7th getting thrown into a portal by kawaki.. he isn't as strong as before since the 9 tails inside him is gone.

"no.. n-not my dad..." boruto said.

lord 7th is gone... and no one else can save the village..

is this.. the end of the world?

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