..It All Started With A Fight..

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Heyo fellow readers!
Thid id my first book, i recommend reading dedc first since there are quite violent scenes in this book, aswell as this chapter!
Besides that..
Ill try to update as often as i can!

I never wrote fight scenes before so don judge meh-}

Nightmare's pov:

I woke up my usual time, 6am sharp.
Today's the day me and the others will finally attack the star's base

We've suffered long enough under these annoying Bastards.
Even if one of them is my brother.
"he's annoying..", i mutter to myself.

I got up from my king sized bed, stretching.
I had a hard headache.. I knew today was going to be damned already.

3rd person:

As soon as the king of nightmares left the room, he heard loud noises from the kitchen.. As usual.
Horror, a white boned skeleton with a big hole in his head, standing at the opposite side of another white boned skeleton, dust.
His mismatching eyes glowing brightly at the slightly taller & bloody skeleton on the other side.

Right in the middle of the two.. The last cup of hot chocolate.

Right under the table was another skeleton with a red mark which decorated the lower area of his right eyesocket,Cross.

He was glaring at them, hiding "his".. (their error's.).. chocolate bars

Horror's pov:
"that's mine! I didn't have any this morning!"

The purple skeleton grinning.
"well you should've been up earlier then!"

𝕭𝖔𝖙𝖍 𝖔𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚. "

We turned around and saw boss-.. Oh man. Let me tell you something.

... We. Were. Doomed.

That's how me and dust both ended up with a black eye, and Error.. Boss's right hand, getting the last cup of chocolate.

Nightmare's pov:

I directly went into the meeting room.
We all had no time to either train or blabber around today.
Today was our time.
Our time to get back at that stinking positivity ball.. My brother, Dream.

"𝐔𝐆𝐇".. I grunt in dissatisfaction..i was pissed.
Though thanks to killer, i got a little relaxed-
I don't know why... I felt.. I felt like i used to before the incident.
I feel this strange wave of feelings hitting me whenever he Is near-..

3rd person

Nightmare called everyone together to gather and exchange information they all claimed the past months.
Horror and dust were the first to report their infos, second was Error who kept quite a good eye on Ink.. We all knew the Ink-blot had a thing for Our glitchy Bitch

~After the meeting~

Thanks to the people who read this-
Im not expecting anyone to read this but meh-
This is it for the first part, if you guys have any ideas how to write this chapter or the following better, let me know-!
I love advices!

Love you guys, have a good day/night!}

I'm alive.
Hecc didn't thought I'd update so soon again-
Oh well!

Let's go!}

~Where it all begins~

3rd person:

As soon as the bad guys had arrived at the stars's base, Nightmare felt the positivity coming from it.. It was reeking.
He grunted in disgust, Killer peeking over at him.

Let's be honest.. Our dear Killer liked Nightmare from the start. He wasn't ready to tell him, he was scared.
After all, The goopy skeleton forbid Killer to feel any good emotions such as love.

Though.. Noone really knows why.

"𝐀𝐧𝐲 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠?", the black leading Skeleton hissed at his followers.

".. Not really, boss-"
Horror apologized, shaking his head.

"uGh.. WhY dOnT wE jUsT tElEpOrT iN?
IDiOtS.",the glitchy, Error, recommended.

Nightmare nodded, grabbing everyone with his slimy tentacles besides Error due to his haphephobia.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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