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--L E T T E R––  

Darkness welcomed me as I searched the whole place, traces of light were nowhere to be found....

Where am I? I asked to myself,I took a step and noticed that every step would just lead me to nowhere...

Nowhere and nothing but darkness...

Why is it so dark? I should have bought a flashlight or something that can produce light, I joked to myself....

I keep on walking and thinking familiarizing the place,when a faint sob stopped me from my tracks....

I turned to scan the place and listened closely thinking maybe my ears were just playing sounds with me, But it didn't when the sob continued. It turned into sobs with continuous sniffing,so I walked without any direction following the sounds of the sobs....

Every step made the sobs louder and clearer, Then I stopped when I saw who was the one crying....

I stopped only to find a child,a little girl crying nonstop with knees bent together in a white night dress for bed and buried her face with her knees at a corner hugging a teddy bear tightly like her life depended on it. Her body was extremely shaking because of fear. My heartached at the sight of the poor child. I was about to draw near and comfort the child when something caught my attention.....

I saw a blurry image of a woman walking towards the child and noticed her difficulty in walking.....

I scanned her from head to toe and blood was dripping all over her...

The child must've noticed the presence as well since she looked up at the woman that was coming near.She stopped crying but her tears continued to flow.....

I wanted to looked at them clearly but then failed.Because their faces were unclear and blurry.The woman bent down her knees and wiped the tears of the child when she got near.....

"H-Hush now..."she said.I noticed her difficulty in breathing and I know that she is in great pain. She then embraced the child tighly not minding the blood all over her, and to my surprise the child embraced her as well like she was her hope....

"Y-You must l-leave" The woman said again in a shaking voice...

"N-No.."Was the first word that I heard and escaped from the shaking lips of the child. She then tighten the grip of her embrace when the woman started loosing it....

"L-leave n-now!" Said the woman and tried hard to say firmly but failed since she was weakening. The child just shook her head saying she won't leave......

Then in a swift time like a whirl wind that passed by, the whole place changed from darkness and only two people visible on my sight to a place where I saw an endless battle. Fire burning all over, screams and cries of pain, Explosions and gunshots, Swords clenching and slashing together....

I looked back at the child and the woman and saw that the child cried harder than before, The woman pushed child and screamed giving her last strength.....

"S-Save y-yourself!"

I wanted to move and help them but it seems like I was rooted in place. I tried but my feet were stucked on the ground...

I was there standing, watching them uselessly...

I was there standing and watching, watching like it was a show...

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