When the Incident Started...

284 8 11

7th May 20XX

Dear diary,

Bob was being so annoying today.

I mean, he looked so paranoid, seemed something bad would happen in no time.

At the same time, I have got a bad headache this morning. It felt like my brain size was increasing and it would make my head explode. That hurts.

"Bosip? Can you feel something weird?"Bob kept asking me questions. To be honest, I don't think anything was different expect my painful head at that moment.

Why haven't I just listen to him?


Bob looked so broken at that moment, I could see him trying his best to hold back his tears. At that moment I finally realised what had I done.

"Oh...okay...I will leave now then...sorry, sorry for upsetting you..." he ran outside, he was so fast that I couldn't even stop him.

"Bob...wait! I'm sorry!" He probably didn't hear that, I bet he was faraway at that moment.


I've asked my friends, Bofo and Bobot hadn't seen Bob anywhere, and Bobal didn't care about his disappearance. Luckily, Boder and Bowaev told me that they had seen Bob, about ten minutes ago.

Wandering around with a bowl of noodles was so ridiculous, but i had to do that. I needed to find Bob and apologize to him for snapping him twenty minutes ago. I called his name and tried to use noodles to draw him in. Noodles are Bob's favorite.

Suddenly, Bob ran back, huffing.

When I was ready to apologize to him, he started with a shocking sentence, "B, Bosip, there's something, outside our file."

"What's that, Bob?" I asked, worried.

"It's, it's a virus!"

All in a sudden, the house started to collapse. A blue monster bursted into our home, the objects he touched were all glitched.

Suddenly, a portal in the living room opened. It was amor in a holographic call adorning a worried look.

"Get in!," he shouted  urgently, "We don't have much time!"

Bobal bolted to the portal as soon as Amor finished speaking, dragging Bobot with him. Bofo hurried after the two, glancing back to look at the others in concern and hurry.

I grabbed Bob's arm and hurriedly made our way over the mess around the living room.

Boder made his way over as well, dodging any glitches and that tried to attack him. Behind him was bowaev who looked panicked.

The virus was quick, attacking the poor tween relentlessly with its arsenal of corrupted coding.

Boder finally made it near the portal. He glanced back with worry as more and  the virus' jaws attack Bowaev. He tried to go back to save him but someone yanked  him inside the portal.

He stumbled, glaring at whoever caused him to enter the gate when he widened in concern when Bob stared at him with a look of determination.

Bob shoved past Boder, making his way to the portal without looking back.

I grabbed the Boder's arm tightly, telling him everything would be fine. I knew he would be okay and he would bring Bowaev back safely to the portal.

The blunette had survived worse than this before, he'll be fine.



Bob dodged the dreadful attacks of the virus as he made his way to save bowaev, adrenaline pumping in his veins as he ran.

Bowaev cried out in fear, trying to fly further away from the virus that threatened to grab him. 

He couldn't escape, the virus had created a barrier structure made entirely out of its infected coding surrounding him so that he couldn't get out easily. 

Holes scattered around its glitched walls but they were too small to even fit through, even for his smaller self.

Bowaev gasped in shock, fear curling around his body the thing attacked once again. Random clumps of binary code aimed towards the tween in massive quantities, rendering it useless if he tried to dodge it with his ability. 

Boder wanted to rush to Bowaev's eagerly, I tried my best to tell him that Bob could handle this, although I wasn't very confident about it either.

Bowaev closed his eyes, curling up on himself as he accepted his impending doom-


The shout caused him to jump. He slowly lifted his head up to see who it was and froze.

It was Bob, his body was covered in random bars of binary code. The number 404 showed itself a few times as well all around him. His right eye was covered by a blank pop up as his hair slowly formed glitches as well.

 Bowaev fell on his knees, shocked."B...Bob...your...your body..."

I hurriedly checked on him, eyes shining unconcern as he stared at the still frozen tween.

"Are you okay, bo?" I asked him, rubbing soothing circles on his palm, "That thing didn't hurt you, right?"

Bowaev couldn't help but sob, hugging Bob as tightly as he could. Bob flinched slightly at the movement before patting the Bowaev's back to comfort him.

"You'll be alright ," he says to the sobbing male.

Bob told us to take care of the teen, and he looked at the virus which had grown in size. The virus growled low, ready to attack the two once more.

"Hurry Bob, the PC is ready to shutdown!" I shouted, and Bob dashed toward the portal. 

The portal shut down when Bob had just got there.

"BOB!!!" Bob's face was filled with tenor and despair, he smashed the portal but he still couldn't escape this damn place.

The screen of the portal turned black, the PC was shut and it's ready to start the resettlement.

"But, but Bob was still inside!" I cried.

But nobody responded...

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