Chapter 8...

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Title: The Battle For Tazuna's Bridge!

A/n: Sorry if it seems the Land of Waves Arc is a little rushed, I just want you to meet Gaara already, leave me alone. But with the way the arc is going, it will be important to the future chapters of the book, so don't worry. Please enjoy!

Author POV

After a couple weeks, you guys had gotten used to the Land of Waves a little.

You began providing food for the people (it was a very small amount), constantly bringing them what you could from the meetings you had with Zabuza and Haku, who would give you food every time you guys met (and they had lots of it). Speaking of which, since you'd had lots of free time, having conquered Kakashi's chakra control training first try, you'd spend it doing different activities.

For example, most of the time, you'd patrol the bridge with Tazuna and Sakura, and watch as more of Tazuna's "friends" backed out of the project. But other times, you would go and meet up with Zabuza and Haku, but you couldn't shake the feeling that something had been following you.

So you'd asked Sumi, who'd been ever so patient with this mission and her pretty much uselessness, to go investigate it for you while you did your things.

"Anything today, Sumi?" You muttered out the corner of your mouth so as to not seem like you were talking to yourself. Peeking out the collar of your leather jacket, Sumi sighed.

"Not a thing, Your Highness." She sounded sad. "I'm so sorry for being incompetent!"

"Don't think about it too much." You smirked as you followed after the rest of Team 7, as everyone was completely fit and ready for duty, so everybody was patrolling the bridge. "We have until the mission is over anyway."

The reason you were smirking?

Sumi actually did find whatever it was that was bothering you, but didn't say so as to not wave it away by accident. You see, if Sumi actually did fail to find something, she would apologize for her failure, not her incompetence. It was a little secret code the two of you had come up with.

"What're you doing?" You looked up to see Sasuke looking over his shoulder, he'd stopped walking, waiting for you. "Hurry up."

Sumi huffed. "Lord Uchiha is getting too high on his horse. Princess, please knock him down a peg or two."

"No, it's fine," You mumbled. "Here, I'm coming!"

Sasuke watched as you jogged up to him, his eyes watching your every movement. "Don't act so suspiciously, Kakashi will suspect something, he's a jonin after all."

"He already is really suspicious of me," You mumbled, and Sasuke sent you a curious a glance, one you ignored. Gently pulling your hand out your pocket, you tightened the headband wrapped around your arm. "So it doesn't matter anyway."

"Sasuke! (Y/n)!" Sakura waved as she called out to you two. "We've arrived at the bridge!"

Kakashi watched you and Sasuke catch up with Tazuna and the rest of Team 7, with you going over to Naruto and Sakura ran over to Sasuke.

"Teme..." Naruto growled, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Stay close to me, (N/n)-chan!"

A sharp gasp left Tazuna as he shakily pointed at the scene before him. "N-No..."

Dead bodies were strewn across the ground, slashed and bloody, and they were all the bodies of people that were still working with Tazuna to build the bridge. A thick blanket of mist covered most of the bridge, and almost hid the dead bodies.

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