Chapter 2

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"Hey daddy!",I said with the biggest, brightest, natural, smile I could possibly give as I twirled around to face my dad.

I wasn't normally late so I wasn't quite sure how he would react, but to my relief he wasn't mad- at least it didn't look like it, I could never be too sure.

"You are 30 minutes late. Just because you moved out doesn't mean you can come in at whatever time you please. Just because you're my daughter doesn't mean you get special treatment-"

"Daddy I know, I know. I'm really sorry it won't happen again, I promise. So how's everything going?"
What he said kinda hurt because he knows I don't expect any special treatment and I don't ever slack off, but I know he's just a little stressed out. With our restaurant only growing and our customers becoming more and more exclusive, things have been getting a little hectic and with my dad growing older it's been getting to him a little more than usual these days. I know he can handle it but he needs a break, which he refuses to take, "taking breaks won't keep the business running" he always says.

My dad is an incredible chef and business man, traits that thankfully were passed down to me, but he's also very stubborn, which is another trait I inherited from him.

We talked for a little while until I got to my office. I signed a few things then got dressed into my appropriate work attire.

I made my way through the kitchen, checking to see if everyone was on task and the food was being prepared efficiently and to the Pedrotti's standard. Other than a few things sitting out when they shouldn't have been and some things that spilled, everything was going smoothly.

I've always felt at home in the kitchen. Ever since I was little my parents, my dad especially, had me doing or cooking something in the kitchen. It was in my genes and I loved it more than anything. The warm sensation that spread through me as I prepared my first meal told me the future that I was destined for before I realized it myself. I always knew I wanted to be a business woman, that's why I went to college, but I hadn't realized that I could combine my first love with it.

Seeing as everything was running smoothly in the kitchen and no one needed my assistance, I walked out of the kitchen into the restaurant.
The restaurant itself was incredible, the mouth watering food that oozed the love that all the cooks poured into their food, kept the people coming and the business growing. Despite the incredible tasting food, the one thing that every customer always said was how beautiful the restaurant was. They weren't lying either. It was beautiful. The scenery was amazing and everything from the furniture to the smooth marble flooring was thought out very carefully. Sophia Antunez, one of my best-friends was partly to thank for how beautiful all of the restaurants turned out. She is an interior designer with impeccable taste and is great at what she does.

When I walked out into the kitchen I could feel a pair of eyes on me and when I realized who it was my smile grew and I spun around. I ran into his arms happier than ever to see Jaden, who enveloped me in his arms.
Jaden Morris is another one of my best friends who I've known since as long as I can remember. We grew up together and he's more like the big brother I've never had rather than a friend. He owns three exclusive and popular clubs and is very attractive, a fact that he doesn't let go unnoticed. You can say he's cocky but I think its just confidence and his great personality makes up for it. He can make anyone laugh even on the worst of days and is as loyal as it gets.

"I missed you so much and I have so much to tell you," I muttered as Jaden released me from our embrace.

"So do I. I got back late last night and didn't want to call and wake you, so instead I decided to stop by today and say hi to everyone and maybe meet some of those pretty girls who always seem to be hanging around here," he said the last part with a smirk, though I knew he wasn't totally kidding.

"Well thanks...I think? Anyways how was your trip? I felt like I haven't seen you in forever and we haven't spoke in a while". I asked as we made our way to a nearby vacant table.

"Yea sorry about that work had me swamped, but the trip was great. I got a lot of work done and made quite a bit of money out of some business deals. So everything turned out great, better than I expected actually."

"Sooo did you meet anyone?"

He snorted,"yea I met plenty of girls, not anything serious though. You know I'm not looking for any serious relationships right now."

We talked for another 30 minutes before he went to say hi to everyone and I got back to work.

I went around a few tables to make sure the customers were enjoying their meals and the atmosphere. It was always nice to chat with them and especially nice when the cute single guys would engage in some flirty conversations with me. It never went farther then some playful banter and it was normally with some regulars that I knew quite well, so although it might've been a little unprofessional, I was able to develop friendly relationships with customers which is never bad for business.

As nightfall came and the restaurant had closed up for the night. I packed up and said bye to everyone before getting my meal and heading home.

As soon as I got home I poured some wine in a glass and started the bath. The warm water soothed me and I quickly began falling into a deep slumber. Everything felt so peaceful and once again, for the second time that day I began slipping into a peaceful oblivion. Of course that would be the perfect time for someone to knock on my door.
Who could that possibly be, knocking on my door of all places, at midnight?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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