Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ronan's POV

If there is one thing I know for sure, It's that being invisible is being free. Free to be who you are without the fear of others retaliating to make themselves feel bigger and better in anyway they can. But unfortunately, I have never been invisible. Because what I want does not align with who I am and if I ever tried contradicting that, well, others noticed. And man did they let me know how they felt about my, so called, defiance.

I told myself when I was younger that I would leave all of that behind me and start a new life. And that is what I'm doing as I drive my beat up car who has, so far, outlived me into the parking lot of my new apartment complex. The building is nice. A fairly new build just a few minutes from the university campus that I had gotten into. Close enough to the woods to let my wolf out and close enough to the café that it was only a few minute drive to work. And the woods. There's a nice mile of unclaimed land for humans with a pack near by, so I wont be invading territory when I do go run. The perfect location. 

The only downside is that I have to have a roommate. They are a werewolf too. Which is dangerous for me. But I figured I could just mask my scent as I used to do and maybe they wont realize what I am or anything. Their previous roommate was super kind and said they mostly keep to themselves or weren't home often, so I would mostly be living on my own. I hadn't met the guy yet.

But I was so desperate when I was house searching and the apartment is so nice with a surprisingly low rent that I couldn't help but apply and take the offer before someone else did. My options were slim and I needed to leave as soon as possible or my window would close. Besides, I have my little charm that my witch friend gave me and the bottles of scent blockers and heat pills. She had prepared me for going under the radar. To any werewolf I would appear as a normal human guy. Not a werewolf. And definitely not an omega.

I grab a bag of clothes and shift through my few keys for the apartment key as I shuffle my way to the stairs and up the three flights to the top, third, floor. The view from here is nice too as I glance from the staircase balcony and at the field in front of me that flows into the forest. Perfect. 

I click open the door and am met with darkness. I drop my bag of clothes on the floor and run my hand across the wall to find the light switch. When I do and I flick it on the room is illuminated to show the nicely furnished places that looks better than the photos. The kitchen opens up to the living room with a bar. A breakfast nook is off the side of the kitchen, a bay window that over looks the streets. The house is furnished as if it was styled for a home magazine photoshoot. Not very homey and inviting. It felt more staged, as if it was to be looked at but not used.

I walk my way through the house and towards the front room. The door has a lock, but no key. The previous occupant of the room had laughed about how they lost the key. The door creaks open to reveal a furnished room, as promised. Just the basics are there. A bed, desk, closet, bookshelf and tv stand with a cheap little tv. I toss my bag of clothes at the foot of the bed and let out a sigh.

I did it.

I fucking did it.

All I have to do is keep a low profile and they will never find me.

I'm free.

I let out a shake breath and give myself a reassuring nod. This is good. This is what's best. I turn and head back to my car for my last two boxes.

I didn't come with much. I wasn't allowed to have very many things in my old pack. Which was fine because it's not like my old room was big enough to store very much. Just the basics. Which is what I brought. Necessities. Plus a few things I keep close to my heart. Like the picture of my family before my father died and a few special presents my brother had gotten me before the car accident.

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