Chapter 8

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When we get to the party its absolute madness it looks like a scene from a teen movie. Me and Luke stood there akward when Christian left to go dance and take shots 2 minutes into the party he had already taken 6 shots, and was twerking on the table shouting "POP THE MOLLY!"
Luke and I decide not take any shots, our parents would flip, but Christians parents had died in a car crash, He lived with his clueless grandparents who let him do anything. ENOUGH ABOUT CHRISTIAN FOR NOW!
I start a conversation with Luke..."So...wanna go upstairs and see if we can find Mia and Alyssa?" Luke turns "Ya I meet Alyssa earlier today shes really nice." We headed upstairs i texted Mia and asked where she was... She said her and Alyssa were "hiding" from The madness of the party they aren't used to that type of stuff the bathroom watching youtube videos, all of a sudden Christian runs up the stairs pushing me and winking, what was that for? Does he think we...never mind.
Once we get upstairs we hear Alyssa and Mia laughing from youtube videos. We both walked in they just looked at us there eyes were wide as if they were hiding something i let that pass. "Ohhhhh Hey Luke!" Alyssa says. "Hi." Mia says awkwardly. We smile. I don't know why everything so awkward when were around him.
I hear Christian making noises in the other room, "we better go see what happening" Luke says. I giggle a little "definitely!" We open the door up really quick, all i see is Christian having a full on make out scene with Karen like wtf?!? I though he was gay?! I shout "CHRIS-TAIN!, wtf?!?" He looks over surprised "ohhhh I'm experimenting!!" He is obviously drunk. "How many shots did he have!?" Luke whispers to me. I just blush a little and whisper back "definitely more then he should have had!" We laughed and left them to making out....
We both stepped outside the room at the same time not even paying attention to where i was going i bumped into him..."I'm so sorry" "its fine" he smiles. We look into each others eyes his eyes are a deep blue he closes them and leans in is this really happening? I think to myself so many thoughts go through my head at once. I stop them, blair this is happening what you have always dreamed of! don't stop it let it happen! I told myself in my head. I close my eyes he moves in closer putting his hands on my waist he pulls me closer, were really in the moment now. "OH MY GOD!" I hear from behind me, we stop and look over i pull away and he takes his hands off me. It was Mia i give the look that says "R U KIDDING ME!" "Ohh sorry..i didn't mean to be loud i..just..i" she starts rambling, "its fine ok ,forget it" I snap.AUTHORS NOTE: IM SORRY ABOUT ALL THE GRAMMAR MISTAKES I WRITE VERY FAST BECAUSE I WANT TO GET MY THOUGHTS DOWN BEFORE I FORGET IT SO SORRY

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