part twenty-three (day)

226 29 12

You are awake

as I come in

sitting up

with your knees

to your chest

rocking back

and forth

I sit beside you

And you look my way

Giving me a small smile

Unlike the ones of the past

There is love in your eyes

As you smile and hope

It isn't all that sad anymore

So all I can do

Is pull you in

To a hug so big

That you will beg me

To realise you

and then pull in for another

I sigh as we sit like this

The hours ticking by

And I sit still

as your hands

brush up my arms

Go around my neck

Your fingers in my hair

But I can't sit still

When you lips

gets closer to mine

And I...

loose me breath

the minute your lips

are on top of mine

You peck them one

two, three, four times

[ your lucky number ]

Before you kiss me deep

I feel myself fall

I grib your waist

Trying to get a hold

Of you

To make sure

that you are real

And then we fall


Like we should

And as we do

you whisper

I love you

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