Chapter 5~Amanda

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OML I AM SO SORRY I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON. I NEED TO BE KICKED OFF WATTPAD, THEY MIGHT AS WELL GIVE ME SHITTIEST UPDATER AWARD. Seriously guys, i am so sorry. Like, i need to be shunned. Kill me now. i promise promise promise to update more. ily guys who are reading this story and it will pick up soon, i promise. Kisses!!
He said it.
Did he say that?
My mouth is hanging open. Reece looks surprised, as if he didn't realize the words were out until after they were out. He's starting to look uncomfortable, too, probably because of my staring, but I can't really comprehend anything yet.
"What?" Facepalm. The words that come out of my mouth. Someone shoot me.
He starts walking toward me, and for a second I think he's going to hit me. And then he kisses me.
One thing I can say about Reece: he is an amazing kisser. I tense up at first, but then I melt into him and kiss him back, wrappinng my arms around his neck. We move backwards until I hit the wall, still kissing. He breaks away to take a breath and leans his forehead against mine, both of us breathing hard. We both grin, laughing softly, and he kisses me again, harder than the last time. We stand there, pressed up against the wall, for what seems like an eternity when I feel someone watching me. I pull back, gasping, and turn my head to the side. Where Jess is leaning against the open windowsill from inside, with both arms propped up on the ledge. She is smiling so big her face looks like it's about to split in two, and she is literally eating a bowl of popcorn.
"So you two have been busy, I'm guessing."
I blush furiously and step away from Reece, but he just grins sheepishly and pulls me towards him again, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
Jess grins even bigger than before, if that's possible. "Boy, am I tired. Well, I guess I'll just leave you guys to have fun with whatever you weren't doing." I breathe a sigh of relief as she turns around, but I'm startled by a flash as she whips her phone out and takes a picture. "Now this one's going in the yearbook," she laughs as she charges across the room and faceplants into the blankets.
Reece chuckles softly and pulls me in for a hug, and I breathe in his scent, which smells strangely yet pleasurably of oranges. "I'll talk to you later, Liv," he says, resting his chin on my head.
As I watch him walk back to his bike, he turns back and smiles one last time.
My cousin dashes through the crowd and plows into me for a hug. I smile at her after we pull away and she smiles back, linking her arm through mine. As always, Amanda looks perfect, and even though she just finished a six hour plane trip, she looks clean and refreshed.
"Girl. You have information to spill!" She scolds, wiggling her eyebrows. I grin and she lights up. "A boy?"
"Whoa," I reply. "Cousin gossip detector or something?"
"Something like that," she says. "Now tell me everything!"
And I do. Besides my sister and my mom, Amanda is thr one person I tell everything to. I finish filling her in on the Theo situation as we walk arm in arm through the terminal. As we reach the baggage claim, we are stopped by two girls about ten or eleven, both looking at Amanda with awed expressions.
"Omigod, are you Amanda Steele?" One of them asks, clasping her hands together.
"The one and only," she replies, laughing.
"Uh... could you maybe sign this for me?" She asks, shyly holding out a piece of notebook paper. "I love your videos."
"Sure, no problem," Amanda smiles, taking the pen being held out by her fan. "What are your names, sweetie?"
"Um, I'm Holly, and that's Olivia," she says, pointing to her friend who has been standing quietly behind her.
"Nice to meet you guys," Amanda says, scribbling on the paper. "You know what, Olivia? You match with my cousin over here. Her name's Olivia too!"
"Really?" She asks, looking at me in excitement.
"Yeah! Now we need to be besties, cause we have the same name!" I exclaim, giving her a high five.
"What about me?" Holly asks, looking at me uncertainly.
"Well, I guess we all get to be best friends now, because I get to share her with you," I smile at her, and she beams back at me.
"I think we have to go, guys, but it was awesome meeting you," Amanda says, taking a picture with the girls before we head over to the baggage claim to find her suitcase.
"That was adorable," I say, looking over to where the girls are tugging on a lady's sleeve and pointing over to us.
"Yeah," Amanda smiles, "that's one of the best things about doing what I do."
"I bet," I reply, "but doesn't it get tiring?"
"Eh," she shrugs. "Ooo, which reminds me." She takes out her phone and taps in a text.
"Go on."
"You and Jess kind of need to be in the YouTube video."
A/N: ok, kind of short filler chapter. So obviously Amanda Steele, Olivia Steele, YouTube story, connect the dots... And the YouTube video will hopefully be next chapter. So I swear I will update more, as soon as school is out I'm gonna have plenty of time to write. So two more weeks! Stay beautiful!

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