chapter 5

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Quantum physics applications, mathematics in epidemiology, quantum computing freestyle, Seneca civics and ethics, and last, but not least, mathematics in religion. Yes indeed, my schedule was a mind rush. I learned that there was no such thing as paper in Seneca. They only used a stone paper that was made from a calcium carbonate quarried in Virginia and other places in the world too. Absolutely everything is either sustainable, compostable or can be safely reduced to components that create energy. Human waste for example. When we use the toilet it flushes into a "poo-renew" system, as the S.E.R.C. Scholars joke, that breaks it down in skyscraper-sized drums alongside each Seneca City center. The ecosystem within this subterranean city is a dream come true to every hippie in the history of the world.
How could I ever go back to Los Angeles Public School? I couldn't. My dad would have been all over this situation. Man, did I wish I could share this with him. This was exactly where I needed to be. One second I think I'm headed to reform school to pay for my crimes, the next I'm in Disneyland for tech junkies. I mean, let's get real for a second, though. It had definitely entered that "too good to be true" zone. Something was up. I just didn't know what. Yet. Yeah, I wanted to know, but part of me didn't. I felt like a kid in a candy shop. I couldn't resist the sugar, wasn't so concerned about what came next. This place didn't even have grades. It was all performance and incentive based: do well and you were rewarded with awesome mini-adventures. Do bad, repeat the session via tablet until you get it right. If you don't get it right, you don't leave the session. Everyone got everything right, eventually. I quickly learned that that's just the pedigree of the Seneca population. I was flattered that I was considered to be on that level.
Reba picked me up after my last session. "And how would you rate your visit to the future thus far, Lady Campbella?"
He didn't just have pep in his step; it was in his vocab too. And his shaggy hair had an air of happiness too, as it sashayed back and forth. Reba was growing on me, and I had a feeling that we were going to be good friends. Then I started to think about Julie. I'd be so far away from her. We wouldn't get to hang out every single day like we had for so many years. Maybe I would get the hook up so she could come visit via BoomJet on the weekends. Could dogs stay in the ambassadors' house or would I have to leave Killer behind with my mom? There were a lot of unanswered questions, but no matter what, I knew that nothing would ever be the same. It couldn't be.
"This place is insane."
"Chica, you ain't seen nothin' yet."
"Well then, show me more, Rrreba." I rolled my "R" just like he did.
"Easy, tiger– all in due time. Your last stop of the day is at a location in the Aboves. Ellen Malone is taking you."
"Okay." The way he said it sounded so mysterious. Like it wasn't a part of my day that he was excited to share. But I wasn't worried, because so far everything Ellen Malone had shown me was ridiculously slick. And most of all, I was ready to get past today to start tomorrow and see Blue Combat Boots.

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