"Nice guy" :/

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My day was quite interesting. A normal day at school, until my friend told me about this guy on roblox she met. She says he was really nice and he asked her for her Discord! She was a little weirded out but she gave it to him anyway. She said she didn't talk to him yet and wanted me to be there when she calls him for the first time. But when he asked to call her I wasn't there at the time. ~😭~ But she accepted his call anyway. (by the way she was telling me this on discord and school) I mean, I laughed and joked about him being a 50 year old man as a JOKE. But she messaged me RIGHT AFTER they called and said: "(my irl name) you won't believe this. He sounded like a 20 year old man. And he even said "Wow you have a cute voice *giggle* I mean a cool one *giggle* (SHE SAID EXACTLY THAT IN HER MESSAGE) And I said: "He is probably a p3do 😭" she said she blocked him and unfriended him in roblox. But the funny thing is, they met on "Da hood" on roblox- she says that it isn't a great game anyways- anyway the lesson of this story: don't give out ur discord to people on roblox or other games. Even if they are nice. Just, just don't. They might be a 100 year old man trying to get a roblox gf because they're lonely. Yeah so don't do that. Moral of the story. (This is a serious problem and I don't mean to joke about it. Young people form friendships or relationships with bad people. Please be self aware of this and stay safe!<3)

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