SHE'S MY = 27

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I tightly held my head as I went out of the bathroom and sat up on the bed ..again her voice was echoing around which made me loose myself

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhh who is she" I yelled aside was now getting frustrated by now and at the thought I can't remember that girl

"Taehyung let's go shopping.... Taehyung baby let's go"

Her voice echoed again ... but now her face was bit clear now which made me have a little control on my actions and now I didn't know what but I wanted to concentrate and remember that gurl rather than getting frustrated so I stick up onto a place and slowly everything was being clear my doubts my everything..... she is just my memory now

"Y/N" And I fell down loosing control over m body and everything was now only black

"HIS GIRLFRIEND'S DEATH REVENGE" | 18+ Mature ContentWhere stories live. Discover now