we always meet when i'm defeated

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(lyrics: skinny skinny by ashton irwin)

Clementine watched as Orchid sniffled, tears falling from her golden eyes

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Clementine watched as Orchid sniffled, tears falling from her golden eyes.

"It's not fair." Orchid told Clementine. "I was already here with you once before. Against all odds, you were able to come back...just to get thrown into the arena again. It's sick. It's twisted." Clementine sat down next to her stylist.

"I've made my peace with it, Orchid. Maybe I was just destined to die in the Games." Clementine sighed. Orchid pulled her into a hug, and Clementine felt at home in her arms. Orchid had always reminded Clementine of her mother.

"Sixty seconds till launch." A voice sounded over the sound system. Clementine was already dressed in what seemed to be a wet suit, which meant she would have to swim. Clementine had never been good at swimming. Orchid guided her to the launch pad, tears still spilling from her eyes.

"You fight like hell, alright? You and Johanna both." She said, though she knew it was far too similar to when Clementine and Copper had gone into the games. Only one would come out.

"Ten seconds till launch." The doors around the launch pad closed, and Clementine felt claustrophobic. Memories of seeing Copper and June's bodies flashed through her mind. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. She felt the launch pad rise - there was no going back now.

The bright light from the sun burned her eyes as she arrived in the arena. She scanned the area around her, seeing one of the morphlings next to her, and Finnick. Across from her, she could see Katniss, who looked like she was having a panic attack. As the host counted down, she wondered how she was going to make it to the cornucopia. She was surrounded by water and could barely swim.

As the canon sounded, signaling that the 75th Hunger Games had begun, Clementine dove into the water without giving it a second thought. She splashed around, trying to stay afloat, but instead, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her.

She just knew that this would be the end. Whoever had their arms wrapped around her was going to kill her. She waited for her neck to be snapped, but instead, she heard: "I've got you, princess." There was only one person who could call her that and get away with it. Finnick Odair. Finnick was a fast swimmer, and the extra weight he was carrying didn't seem to bother him. They reached land in no time. FInnick gave her hand a squeeze before he let go. They both started to head for the cornucopia, trying to get weapons.

She reached the cornucopia first and saw the trident. Even though Finnick was technically her competition, she grabbed the trident, and handed it to him. It was heavier than she imagined, and only further proved how strong Finnick was. She grabbed a couple of small weapons, and then went for the ax, since the bow and arrows had already been taken.

"It's a good thing we're allies, right?" Finnick asked, holding up his wrist, and showing Katniss the bracelet, he was wearing.

"Where'd you get that?" Katniss asked.

"Where do you think?"

"Duck!" Clementine shouted, and the two quickly obliged. Clementine's axe went flying through the air and into one of the tribute's neck. Katniss stared at her while she yanked the axe out of his neck.

"Don't trust One and Two. I'll take this side, you hold them off." Finnick said.

"We should go find Peeta." Clementine suggested. The only person she wanted to look for was Johanna, but she knew she had to protect the two from District Twelve.

It didn't take long — Finnick found him fighting with a male tribute in the water. Finnick dove in, while Clementine stood by Katniss, knowing she'd be no help in the water. Finnick hadn't yet made it to Peeta, but stopped in his tracks when he heard a canon go off.

"No..." Katniss muttered. It took a few seconds before Peeta surfaced above the water, breathing heavily.


It seemed like they had been running through the woods for hours before they decided to rest. Finnick had picked up Mags on the way, and had been carrying her on his back.

"We need to find water soon." Clementine said quietly. Finnick, Katniss, and Peeta nodded in agreement.

Clementine looked up from the ground when she heard the canons go off. It seemed as if the initial bloodbath was over.

"I guess we're not holding hands anymore." Finnick remarked, referencing when they had all held hands on the Caeser Flickerman show. Clementine chuckled a bit.

"You think that's funny?" Katniss asked. She clearly did not trust Finnick or Clementine yet. Clementine didn't blame her — and Finnick's sassy remarks didn't make it easier. Finnick pointed to the sky.

"Every time that canon goes off, it's music to my ears. I don't care about any of them."

"Good to hear." Katniss said, pulling out a machete.

"You wanna face the career packs alone?  What would Haymitch say?" Finnick asked.


Peeta now had the machete and was chopping away weeds that had overgrown. Katniss kept looking around, causing Clementine to wonder what she was hearing.

"Peeta, no!" Katniss shrieked. As Peeta'a machete collided with the force field, the tributes were sent back. Clementine landed embarrassingly close to Finnick's face, but she could only concentrate on the pain in her ankle, and not how close they were.

"He's not breathing!" Katniss screamed, hovering over Peeta. Finnick nearly immediately went over to Peeta, causing Katniss to point her arrow at him.

Fully aware that she was in the arena to save Katniss' life; she put her axe to her throat, feeling a rush of anger.

"Don't even think about it." She snarled. "He's helping him." She said, pointing at Finnick, who was doing chest compressions on Peeta.

Peeta awoke with a gasping breath, and Katniss rushed over and cradled his face.

"Peeta? Oh, thank God!"

As they were having their moment, Finnick smirked at Clementine.

"Protective over me, princess?"

"Shut up, Odair."

this is short but i wanted to update :)

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