First meeting

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"Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end."




"Say, ___." Your desk mate,  Akiko, called out to you in a low voice. You turned your head towards her, previously looking out the window at the almost perfect weather. "Hmm?" You hummed in question, raising an eyebrow.

"What is it, Aki?" You questioned her in a whisper. After all, class was still ongoing and it would mean trouble for both of you if the teacher caught you talking. Your friend let out a rather frustrated sigh and motioned towards the open book in front of her.

"I can't understand this part, it doesn't make any sense to me, ___. Help me, please?" The brown-haired girl pleaded. You looked at what was troubling your dear friend so much and were almost delighted to find out that it was English literature! "I can help you with this." You told her, "of course, you can. You are ___. You don't get full marks in English for nothing." Akiko whispered back.

You tried not to giggle at her frustrated expression, "hey, I think the teacher is going. I will help you, don't worry." Akiko sighed in relief at your words and looked at the front. True to your words, the teacher was going out of the class because an upper-class-man had called her for something. Upon making sure miss Emiko wasn't coming back for some time, your friend handed you her literature book.

"What does this mean?" She pointed at the part she had trouble understanding. You didn't had to read it, seeing as you had read it as soon as you got the course book a month ago. "Hmm, they are talking about true love." You commented as you raised your head to look at Akiko. She nodded her head, "and I don't know what William Shakespeare wanted to tell people after that." Sure enough, the next part of his sonnet was slightly hard. But it was only hard for Akiko and the other students who had no interest in English literature. 

For you, it was easy.

"Love is a smoke rais'd with the fume of sighs;

Being purg'd, a fire sparkling in a lover's eyes;

Being vex'd, a sea nourish'd with lovers' tears:
What is it else? a madness most discreet,
A choking gall and a preserving sweet." 

You recited without making a single mistake and looked up at your friend who stared at you with the same confused expression as before. "___, what does that even mean?" You couldn't help but giggle at her much obvious distaste towards this particular subject. "My dear, Aki. It means..." you began explaining but stopped right after.

"I have never been in love so it's...hard for me to explain this, but what the writer is saying is that's..." You bit your lower lip, trying your hardest to find the right words to explain the beautifully written piece to Akiko who stared at you patiently. After a good while, you heaved a sigh and met her expectant black orbs.

[Baji Keisuke x Reader] How to not fall for youWhere stories live. Discover now