chapter 3.

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Helen pov:
"YOU BETTER QUIT WITH THIS BULLYING HABIT OF YOURS, UNDERSTOOD?" The discipline mistress shouted as she glared at the girl who targeted Ivan, to put it in simpler terms, Helen.

"Geez, whats wrong with that boy. Can't he take a little criticism?" i muttered to myself. I caught Ivan walking out of the school gates, noticing just how many bruises were on his body. I shook out of my thoughts as i remembered that i caused those bruises on him.


'i've never experienced what he was going through, whats wrong with me? why did i bully him when he did nothing wrong? he only stole 1.134kg worth of coins from me, come to think about it he used it for his bus fare to go home. Why did i do that?' i thought to myself as i walked out of the school gate.

"Boo!" I heard from behind as the voice of the person startled me. Actually i recognise that voice.

I turned to look at a smiling boy with bruises on his face and a plaster on his nose.



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