Grade 7 - Chapter 1

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"Dexter?" Ms. Mintish asked him. Ms. Mintish was Dexter's least favourite teacher. She often picked on him, and gave loads of homework. Of course every teacher did, but she often gave so much that the students would question their ability to do it most of the time. Ms. Mintish had a dirty blonde bob, and big round glasses that seemed to be Hello Kitty themed. She was thin and tall, with a very awkward posture. She smelled of car-gas and the dollar store, which often deterred anyone close to her. But she loved her personal space, as she would be bothered by annoying students getting too close.

"What is the difference between a male troll and a male ogre?" She smirked, as she knew that Dexter didn't know the answer.

Dexter looked up at everyone. He had been daydreaming, which he usually did in Ms. Mintish's class. Daydreaming about what was a mystery to them. He had been daydreaming about Raven. She was a dark-haired girl with lavender eyes and blackberry lips. She always sat at the back of the classroom, as people were quite afraid of her. She hadn't done anything wrong, but being the daughter of the evil queen tends to give you a "bad girl" reputation. Raven was quiet, and spent her time in Ms. Mintish's class doodling on her parchment. Dexter had had a crush on Raven for years, and that crush wasn't going away anytime soon.

" I'm not too sure about that," Dexter responded. He was usually a smart kid, when he payed attention, that is.

"Stop daydreaming and focus. That will be a detention for you," she said, and happily turned back to the blackboard.

People often talked about their terrible experiences with Ms. Mintish in detention. She was the kind of teacher to punish students during class, and rarely gave detention. But when she did, it was known to be so bad that most students who experienced it wouldn't talk about it.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes went wide, but Dexter's went the widest. What would happen to him?

"He wasn't daydreaming, you just didn't explain it well enough. I was pretty confused myself," the dark-haired girl at the back of the class said.

Ms. Mintish's non-existent eyebrows intensified into a scowl.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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