Chapter 21

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Diamonds POV

Today was the day that they were leaving. And I hadn't heard a peep from Shae, since the night he opened up to me. I stood in front of the house and watched T and Sapphire whisper to each other a heart felt goodbye and promises to visit one another as much as possible. Shae stood off to the side with a cold look on his face. It was as if he had used up too many emotions in one go and had to make up for it now with the lack of them.

He made eye contact with me and it seemed like there was the tiniest of smiles on his face. I gave a small smile back and nodded at T.
I had really gotten along with him, even before him and Sapph got together. He nodded back and they both went to go and shake hands with my father.

"Can't believe they're really going, you know? It's like they were only here for a day." She shook her head in either wonder or disappointment, I don't know. I sighed as they gave one final wave and got into their car.

They drove off and I turned to go back inside. Just then, me and Sapph's phone pinged with a notification.

Two plane tickets for Italy. See you in three weeks x.

"What will I do with him?" Fire chuckled as she wiped a stray tear from her eye. Bringing her into a hug while she cried for Anthony (a bit early if you ask me I mean this guy was probably only fifteen minutes away from us right now like come on). I thought about how I hadn't called or even contacted Lala in a while now. 'Do I even still like him?' I said to myself.

Once Sapph had finished using my neck as a tissue, she pulled away and said she was going to go and call him to check on their journey. Deciding on not telling her that he probably wouldn't be able to answer the call now, I went up to my room with the intention to call Lala and ask to go on a date with him tonight.

Flopping down one my bed, my phone rang just as I was about to pick it up. I didn't check the caller ID before I answered so I had no idea who was calling me. "Hello?"

"Hey princess." I smiled at the ceiling at the sound of his voice. I caught myself before it could get any bigger though. How can this man have me smiling at walls and shit when we not even together?

"Oh hi Lala, I haven't heard from you in a minute, how you been?"

"Good, very good actually... so I called cause I wanted to ask you... do you wanna go out with me tonight?" He seemed really nervous so I wanted to play with him for a bit.

"Go out?...What do you mean by that?"

"Um..I mean- I- it means that umm...a date! Yes it means a date. So do you wanna go on a date with me tonight but you don't have to if you don't want to." He was stuttering all over the place and actually sounded dejected at the end so before I sounded bad for laughing at him, I cut the act.

"Yes Lala, I'll go on a date with you," Yes, it was finally happening.

"Thank God, because the way you were going about it I would've thought you'd say no," The relief in his voice was unmissable and I smiled. I'd never met a guy like him. All of them were either too cocky or too snobby.

"Don't worry I wanna come just give me the details and I'll be ready." He proceeded to tell me the dress code and when he was going to come and pick me up. We agreed on 7:30 but he kept where  we were going to go a secret.

Running out to room to go and tell Sapph, I opened her door to find her blue led lights on again and the sad song playlist on as well.

"Maybe later..." I quickly closed the door and sprinted back to my room before she could ask me to come and lay with her and then I knew we'd be there for hours.

It was currently three o'clock and I started picking out what to wear. My wardrobe was full of ball gowns and club dresses and summer dresses, but not really casual dresses. Besides, we live in England come on. I was not going to freeze my arse off just to look good. Finally, I'd picked some classy trousers and a nice blouse to go with it. At least I would look good and be warm.

It was 3:30 now so I hopped in the shower and spent at at least an hour in there performing to my gushing audience while also thinking of things to say back in arguments that had happened. Come on, we all do it.

Putting the finishing touches on my makeup, I went back to Sapph's room to see her in exactly the same position I left her in. "Girl I'll just leave you a message..."

I crept out of that hole of depression and checked the time. It was seven already?! I rushed back into my room to pull on my dress and take a couple pictures.

At 7:30 on the dot, the doorbell rang and I heard my dad go to open it. Not dad cause he's gonna be all up in his face asking questions and all that. But for real though, why was he so on time? I could never.

Walking down the stairs to be met with dad super close to Lala's face, I cleared my throat and motioned for dad to step back.

"Wow you look beautiful princess," he admired. 'I know I do' I smirked in my head.

"Cocky much?" Dad gave me a evil eye and walked out of the room.

"I said that out loud didn't I?"

He chuckled, "You know you did,"

"Well shall we go on continue on to this date then kind sir?" I mock bowed to him.

"We shall m'lady," he played on with it and linked our arms.

Giggling, I skipped along and we spent the night laughing away and, temporarily forgetting all of our problems.

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