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"Who are you..?"

"Good Samaritan."

"'re drenched in blood"

"Bad Samaritan then."

'No one will protect you in this world, it's kill or be killed.'

The Backpack child

"Ebony Martina! You cannot continue this way, the bored will not allow it!" The angry man in the dated shifted shouted across the small affine room towards a young teenager. The girl however did not react. Her arms remained crossed across her chest and her piercing blue eyes remained narrowed towards the portly man. This seemed to infuriate the official further as he gave a huffed and threw his hands down against the desk.

Ebony Martina was the daughter
of American agent Chuck Martina, and sister to cadet Cristina Martina. She was brash and quick tempered and a mean streak the rivalry other of her age. A true lone wolf with no allegiance, at least that's how it seemed. She was tall: intimidatingly so, with thick dark locks that was tainted with an unusual bright blonde streak. However it was her attitude that certainly stood out the more, alongside her piercingly icy gaze. The held she held in sillence towards the army judge at this very moment.

"Three weeks suspension!" The middle aged man declared as he banged his gavel against the square panel of would. The girl rolled her eyes and her shoulders slumped as she let out a hugging sigh. The young teen was then escorted out the room by two fully kitted our officers and taken down the hallways where she was left at the opening of a largish hall that opened out onto many floors. She sighed and walked to the falling, looming down and soldiers came and went threw the busy halls all dressed far more smartly than her.

"Eb's!" A girl Ebony's height with straight hair of a similar brunette colour called from down on the ground floor. Ebony Rose a brow at the joyously waving teen stood there amongst steams of marching soldiers. She looked most out of place among the ranks and yet was the single person that seemed to bring a small smile to Ebony's lips. "I'll be right up!" Cristina called as she gave exaggerated gestures to match up with her words, a twinge of American coming up in her voice as she spoke. As Ebony nodded her sister then ran off to a stairwell and she turned to face away from the atrium.

Crinstina and Ebony were very alike in looks: although Cristina's hair was a smidge lighter, and her eyes weren't blue but brown. Not to mention her skin was fair instead of the porcelain of Ebony's. The last difference was there voices, Cristina's having an American tinge while Ebony's was the queen clipped English. However in attitude and skill set they were similar, both being strong independent young rebels with a natural affinity for secret service warfare against the hidden enemy. It took Cristina a couple of short minutes to get to where Ebony was stood and when she did she arrived at a jog.

"So? How did the hearing go?" The girl asked with an intrigued hum as she looked up and met her sisters more severe gaze. Ebony have another sigh and shrugged, not saying anything and instead beginning to walk towards one of the side corridors. "Oh that bad Huh..." Cristina replied, eyes following Ebony for a few moments before her feet joined in. Crinstina then trotted along after her sister until they were walking down the quieter corridor shoulder to shoulder. "Did you at least tell the general it was my idea to paintball squad leader Holden's car." She added at which point Ebony stopped.

"Yes but I pulled the trigger: ergo the ordeal was my fault, not yours," Ebony replied bluntly, her tone brash as ever though she didn't mean to be cold. She placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a pat, then ruffled the hair of her year younger sibling. Words weren't needed between the pair to convey a mutual love. "Besides, it was funny." Ebony added with a low chuckle as she then turned and began to walk on, digging her hands in her pockets as she did so. Cristina watched again and gave a smiled before following on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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